Pop Culture News for People or Horses

The 4 Worst Things About The4List
The Never-Ending Lists
You thought a top 10 list was long? Ha! The4List has turned list-making into an Olympic sport. By the time you finish one article, you might need a therapist to process the emotional toll of debating over the “Best 4 Cheese Types for Sad Movie Nights.” Sorry swiss, you didn't make the cut….That’s a good list now that I think of it.
Expectation vs. Reality
The4List claims to have the “top” lists, but really it's more about giving you false hope. You come for the "Top 4 Best MCU movies," only to be disappointed with "Top 4 things to eat in San Diego " Its like walking in wanting ice cream, leaving with ice cream soup.
Distracting Ads
Nah, just kidding, there are none….. YET!
Snarky Comments
Did you think we meants “comments” comments? There are none of those, this site isn’t that good. We meant our own snarky comments. Like this one.
In summary, The4List is your go-to for unsolicited commentary on the mundane aspects of 1 idiots life. Enjoy the chaos!