I happened to make it out to NE Super MegaFest and surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ive heard about this con for a few years now but never made it out.
Nestled inside the Framingham, MA Sheraton hotel, the con seems a little too big for the space. The line to get in overflows into hallways congested with nerds. Once inside there are booths crammed into other hallways, with the main function room set aside for a few of the higher profile booths and "celebrity" tables. This was quite a treat since Im used to Celebrities being blocked off at bigger cons unless you pay to meet them before hand. Yes, the celebrities arent nearly as popular as any other con, but its still exciting to see an old star youve known for years a few feet away just starring at you, hoping you'll pay for an autograph.
The booths were fairly dull, mostly just local artists selling weird art or jewelry. If you're into that sort of thing Im sure you'd pick up some really cool stuff, it just wasn't nearly as interesting as bigger cons I've been to. But oddly I'd go back.
Downstairs are conference rooms used for some celebrities. Located down here were Debbie Gibson, Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees and Hulk Hogan. It felt sort of weird to walk into a random room and its just you and Debbie Gibson. She looks at you and says hello, you talk for a bit, then you just leave because you don't want to pay $50 to get a picture with her. Hulk Hogan was probably the biggest draw. He was locked away in a conference room, you couldn't even catch a glimpse without paying $70 to just enter the room for an autograph. This was sort of lame since no other celebrity here did this and I don't find Hulk Hogan to be that big of a star. The one guy who THOUGHT he was thew biggest deal was Jamie Kennedy. He was high as a kite, sweaty, smelly, disheveled. Id rather they tucked him away in a private room so I wouldn't catch a contact buzz
Check out the Gallery Below and Stick around for The Top 4 Celebs Id totally hang out with!
So... What I took away from all this is The Super MegaFest was interesting and glad its close. They are actually expanding and doing TWO a year starting in 2015, So that will be fun.
Here's the top 4 celebs I'd hang with from Super MegaFest
4. Denise Crosby
Not only was She Tasha Yar on Star Trek TNG, but she did a great job on The Walking Dead recently before being offed by a horde of Cannibal eating walkers. Id hang out with her at an Applebee's. Shed get the Buffalo Chicken Fingers and a Michelob, Ill get the Grilled chicken sandwich and a Sam Adams. I wouldn't talk to her about any of her roles. Id just ask questions about Infommercial products and try to make out
3. Lee Majors
This guy MUST have some stories.. hes like 140 or something like that. I tried talking to him about all the ladies hes been with. He told he's not the kind to kiss and tell, but he's been seen with Farrah. He's never been with anything less than a nine, so fine. He's been on fire with Sally Field, Gone fast with a girl named Bo, but somehow they just don't end up as his. It's a death defyin' life he leads, he take his chances. He'd die for a livin' in the movies and TV. But the hardest thing he'll ever do Is watch his leadin' ladies kiss some other guy while he's bandagin' his knee. He might fall from a tall building, He might roll a brand new car. 'Cause he's the unknown stuntman that made Redford such a star. He never spent much time in school But he taught ladies plenty. It's true he hires his body out for pay, Hey Hey. He's gotten burned over Cheryl Tiegs, Blown up for Raquel Welch. But when he winds up in the hay it's only hay, Hey Hey. He might jump an open drawbridge, Or Tarzan from a vine.'Cause he's the unknown stuntman that makes Eastwood look so fine.
I asked him what the hell he was talking about, but he just started twitching. Id hang out with him more though.
2. Joey Pants
Joe Pantoliano is one of the coolest dudes around. He was in 'The Goonies', one of the greatest flick about 'a bunch of idiots that call themselves Goonies' ever made. He was in Momento, The Matrix, Daredevil... shit he's been in everything. No clue what the hell he was doing here. I didn't think he was washed up. Id hang out with him just to ask "What the fuck are you doing here? Are you washed up? I didn't think you're washed up" Then we'd just smoke cigars, pick up chicks, blow his movie money and exchange clothes. Hes wearing a dope ascot and super tight shirt. I want to wear that dope ascot and super tight shirt.
1. Deep Roy
If you happened to go to Super MegaFest you couldn't help but walk by Deep Roy and notice how many people weren't talking to him. I felt bad for the little guy. He's been in more movies than everyone at SMF COMBINED. Ok that's a lie, but look how sad he is. He looked lonely.
I want to hang out with him and cheer him up. id say "Listen, It has nothing to do with you being a cute little person...people are just idiots and don't know true talent when they see it. You stood in as Yoda ...NOBODY else could do that cuz nobody is as small as you. Youre the shit man, and I love you".