She Hulk trailer just dropped and forgive my negativity but the CGI looks like a turd. A Hulk sized turd. No…A Galactus sized turd!
I sort of noticed this in the Reed Richards/Scartlet Witch scene in Doctor Strange 2 but passed it off as “reshoot” side effects. Now with this trailer, it looks like the unforgivable CGI is here to stay.
I could understand horrible makeup seeing as its just actress Taniana Maslany’s face, but its not. Its a CGI version of her face, just… With how good every CGI character in the MCU has looked to date, this is downright horrific. This looks pre Eric Bana/Hulk era stuff.
For a character such as She Hulk this is a shame. and does her a huge injustice.
Did Disney and the MCU part ways with their typical VFX teams? Is this temporary? A test? on purpose? We will have to wait to find out
In the meantime heres 4 horrible examples of the PS2-esque CGI nonsense.