You ever get a hankering for something different? Have no fear we got your next obsession. Sandgrain Studio is an online retailer that specializes in Midcentury Pop Art. Its artistic interpretations of prized scenes and images from beloved movies and TV shows and they bring us an extensive collection of posters that are modern, minimalist, and subtle. They're kind of in contrast to the films and series they represent, which are largely anything but. One thing the posters and their big screen / little screen references do have in common: they're all exceptional works of art.
Sandgrain Studio prints minimalist movie and TV show posters on artisan thick matte paper with high color and contrast. Movies range from Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Marvel, to classics such as Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Top Gun, and The Godfather. Pop culture through and through. TV fans can choose from Netflix and Disney+/ MCU shows as well as greats such as Seinfeld, LOST, The Office, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Parks and Recreation, and Breaking Bad.
Check em out at and view the gallery below