We FINALLY got our first look at the red Daredevil suit today courtesy of Marvel entertainment via their Twitter page and Youtube. I for one am very excited. My first comic book experiences were Spiderman and Daredevil and I never looked back. Check out the video below for Marvel/Netflix's teaser of the red suit. The series drops April 10th on Netflix so stay tuned for a full length review once I binge watch the entire season.
I love the new suit. It fits right in with the current Marvel universe and reminds me of Captain America more than anything.
-The only thing I'm not keen to is the 'black" fabric neck liner. I for one am more used to an entirely red character. It's one thing I loved about Daredevil. He was one uniform color. This black fits in with current designs we see throughout the current Marvel universe, however, how cool would it look if all that black was a uniform 'red'. I guess I can only dream. It still looks terrific in my opinion
- It looks like a form of Kevlar body armor which makes sense in this day and age so I have no complaints there. I only hope it eventually has the "double D's" on the chest. It doesn't appear to, but still looks great. Like I said, it reminds me very much of the current Captain America uniform.
- Shoulder pads, I guess that makes sense. Ive never seen shoulder pads on Daredevil before. I can only assume we'll eventually see elbow and possibly knee pads as well. They appear to be designed to fit in seamlessly with the suit.. good job
-The cowl is very Daredevil-esque. I'm glad they made it a point to make the mask the most recognizable feature of the costume. It stays true to its roots while still becoming practical and grounded.....horns and all