It’s the moment we’ve waited YEARS for…LITERALLLY. SDCC has finally given us some info about the hotel sale, taking place on Thursday, April 28 at 9AM PT.
As Always the hotel sale will utilize a random waiting room, powered by Queue-it and run through OnPeak
Attendees will be e-mailed a link to OnPeak’s system on Tuesday, April 26. They can then enter the waiting room at 8AM PT on Thursday, April 28. beginning at 9am users will be randomly entered to the hotel form. You can also call at 1-877-55-COMIC but come on, thats just a teenager on a phone filling a form and entering it as slow as they can.
Once you get through, you’ll fill in your info and rank up to twelve hotels in order of preference. You can enter 6 if you like but this year sees a change to 12 total. good? bad? we dont know yet. Requests will then be processed based on the order you receive access to the form, so we’re told.
onPeak will be emailing round 1 notifications on Tuesday, May 3 and round 2 on Tuesday, May 10. You’ll then have 72 hours to confirm your reservation so dont hesitate.
Hotel rates include an $10.00 per night reimbursement to Comic-Con to help defray shuttle and convention costs (this charge is subject to change). New this year, a non-refundable service fee equal to 3% of each hotel deposit will be charged to the credit card provided for each reservation. Any change to a reservation that increases the required hotel deposit amount, such as extending the length of stay, changing to a more expensive room type, changing hotels, etc. will incur an additional non-refundable service fee in the amount of 3% of the additional deposit amount.
To all of you, good luck and stay tuned for more information