Fan Art makes the push for Thrawn casting

Fan art made the made the rounds again recently to make the push for Benedict Cumberbatch being cast as Thrawn in the the Star Wars Universe. Benedict has insisted in the past that he is not tied to any Star Wars projects. Rumors aside, We still feel this would be a really good casting.

We have seen this art in the past as it was created a few years ago. But its back baby!. As with Cumberbatch, we have seen numerous rumors circulate from Matt Smith to Pierce Brosnan to Chiwetel Ejiofor. We feel Benedict and Matt Smith were the front runners for the Thrawn rumor mill and still hold out hope that either one may step into the role. In any event, Here are our top 4 Thrawn casting choices

Benedict Cumberbatch

Matt Smith

Michael Fassbender

Lars Mikkelsen

-Lars voiced the animated version of Thrawn
