Godzilla is a staple of Japanese film making. He's been around for a long long time so it's only fitting he get a worthwhile big screen debut here in the good ole USA. Unfortunately, that still hasn't happened. Not yet anyway. After 1998s massive bomb, fans here and away have been clamouring for a better showing. While early reviews of 2014s Godzilla were mainly positive, I can only state the opposite. In this fully Mobile 4LIST (since I'm on my Ipad and not near a computer, hence a possible different format) I'll try to touch on what I feel went wrong.
The film stars Bryan Cranston, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Ken Watanabe, and Elizabeth Olsen. In 1999, the Janjira nuclear power plant is mysteriously destroyed taking the life of Joe Brody's (Cranston) wife. Most lives are lost except Brody and a handful of others. Brody unfortunately has to watch his wife perish. Years later, Brody's son Ford (Johnson) is forced to go to Japan to help his father who has returned, infatuated with discovering what went wrong. There search leads them to witness the awakening of an ancient beast, which forces the awakening of another, elsewhere. Ford then is sent on a mission to help save the civilization from an impending disaster. Thankfully he gets some help....From Godzilla
While the movie isn't extremely terrible, it isn't great and has some major pains. I understand what they may have been trying to do.....Make a 1960s Godzila movie on a 2014 budget. Unfortunately that does not work. Making a 100 million dollar Buster Keaton movie today, EXACTLY like they did IN 1925 would have the same effect. Watching those today are hard considering how spoiled we've become. They were poorly written and poorly filmed. While theyre great nostalgia, they're very boring to a 2014 brain. With that said ........Here are 4 things that I couldn't overlook.
CAUTION. This 4list cannot be made without SPOILERS so read at your own discretion
I have no complaints with Bryan Cranston at all, he's a great actor and was great in this movie.. For the 20 minutes he was in it. Joe Brody is killed off fairly early and I'm still not sure why. Cranston was a huuuuge selling point of this movie and it's a total let down to see he is barely in it. All the scenes you saw in commercials were all the scenes he was in. I only wish he was in the ENTIRE movie. An hour in and I'm still contemplating why he's gone. I blame this on on marketing.
The enemies or rivals in Godzilla are called Mutos. There are 2. They're bird like kaiju that like to destroy stuff and lay eggs. I'm not fully sure how they came to be. We don't get backstory but I guess we NEVER did in a Godzilla movie. I'm just mainly disappointed in their design. I don't find them interesting or entertaining. They simply look boring with no real purpose. Oh and they're in love. There's a TERRIBLE scene where these two giant creatures kiss on their beaks, like from some Disney movie and it made me cringe in disgust. Why is this scene in this movie?? I wish more thought was put into the main villain here. They should have started with what we know...Mothra anyone?
Ok, this one isn't what you think, I love Godzilla and think he looked amazing in this movie.......for the 15 minutes you saw him. This movie is called "Godzilla" right? Why hold off on seeing him until the very very end. And even then everything is bathed in fog and darkness..YOU BARELY SEE GODZILLA. Even Godzilla deserved a backstory here, but again we got nothing. Only some Japanese gurus talking about the creature has woken to fight the Muto. We don't know why except that it's just instinctual. We don't know where Godzilla was or how he came to be. Just that he arrives to fight other monsters. One main gripe is he's instantly trusted for some reason. Nobody knows if Godzilla is evil but they take the advise of one man and just let Godzilla go on his own. You only see his back protruding through the water for the second hour of the movie until he appears 20 minutes before the end. Again, it was let down. I came to a Godzilla movie to see Godzilla. Not watch Aaron Taylor Johnson run around aimlessly.
1. GARETH EDWARDS' direction
I can't help but feel Edwards was only chosen on the condition he make a movie similar to his other monster movie "Monsters". While Monsters is a decent movie, it's an entirely different entity. It doesn't focus on monsters at all but follows two people paired together trying to traverse from Mexico to the US during a giant monster outbreak. Worse than Godzilla you barely ever see these monsters. Edwards also focuses too much on a story line that follows Taylor-Johnson as he trys to intercept these Mutos. Johnson's plot is just extremely lacking. It's not enough to hold a movie, especially one called Godzilla. Edwards seemed to make two identical movies with different characters. It feels like he was extremely inspired by James Cameron's Titanic but lacks the writing ability to make the story interesting. Godzilla himself simply feels like the backdrop of a poorly written story. This is something that just ruins a movie that should be anything but this. And his decision to try to stay true to Godzillas of pasts and not supply any story to the monsters simply doesn't work. I'm just hoping the second movie is better. We all know there will be a part 2.