The Suicide Squad probably doesnt get made if James Gunn was never fired by Disney.
DC quickly jumped to offer Gunn the chance to do any movie he wanted. Gunn surprisingly choosing the antihero team of The Suicide Squad. If you've seen Gunn's MCU movies, you'll know it was the perfect choice, maybe too perfect. I also believe if not for Gunn directing this movie, Disney would not have hired him back.
Mixing bright exciting fun of Guardians of the Galaxy with the bloody horror and dark comedy of Slither, The Suicide Squad is Gun through and through.
The setup is relatively similar to 2016's box office success but critical bomb Suicide Squad. So is this a sequel? Yes and No, but mainly no… but also yes.
Wait, so its a reboot? Yes….. and no, but yes and also no not really, but very much yes
In Belle Reve prison, Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) assembles a bunch of prisoners, again, as Task Force X to stop a threat on the remote island of Corto Maltese.
Among the prisoners are familiar faces from the first film. Theres Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), as well as newcomers including Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Peacemaker (John Cena), Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior), Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian) and King Shark (voiced by Sylvester Stallone).
Their mission is to infiltrate and take down Project Starfish. Gunn warned us to not get too attached to anyone and for once, that's not an exaggeration.
IIn the opening scenes of their arrival on Corto Maltese, blood and limbs fly practically every member of Task Force X is hilariously killed in all sorts of ways. For other movies,this would feel like the climax, but this is gunn getting the movie started.
Overall this movie was impressive. It had the heart and soul the original was missing. It had chemistry and comedy which the first was also missing, and it had a hilariously blody and crazy storyline, which the first was also missing. So all in all, its a reboot. a comedic take on a reboot and it works.
Here are the 4 best characters
#4 Polka Dot Man
Abner Krill, aka Polka Dot Man is an antiheo of Task Force X who is infected with an interdimensional virus. From time to time his skin swells up and he must release the virus in forms of anti-matter type polka dots. Hes mak, Hes quite, he hides when he sheds his dots and everyone keeps thinking hes takig a dump. Hes just aninsane character from DC comics that nobody thought could work in a comic book movie but thats what Gunn wanted. It crazy, its funny and it works
#3 Mom
This one was just fun. throughout the film, Polka Dot man is haunted by images of his mother intruding his realty. He sees visions of everyone in the form of his mom. Hes going through mental breakdowns over and over. During the films climax, Polka Dot Man doesnt think he can help as hes too weak. BloodShot (Edris Elba) helps convince PDM to imagine Starro, an giant Alien Starfish is his mother and to stand up to her, and once again he sees her in a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man moment
#2 Peacemaker
played by John Cena, Peacemaker is an anti hero who will stop at nothing for peace, even if he has to kill every man woman and child. Hes the epitome of what we see in politics today. Hes hysterically dumb but thinks hes right. His wise cracks a quips come off so perfectly for the moment . Hes an entertaining absurdity
#1 King Shark
Voiced by Sylvester Stallone King Shark is the Drax of The Suicide Squad. Hes a big dumb off, hes half shark half man and he is the epitome of what Gunn has created with this film
4.5 out of 5