Transformers Age of Extinction.... this is shaping up to be a tough 4LIST. On one hand the movie wasn't terrible... on the other hand it wasn't great either. It was an average movie that I can't assault or praise. So what is one to do? I'll start by saying this..Its the 2nd best Transformers film in my opinion behind the first movie. Only because 1, 2 and 3 were all basically the same movie, just slightly tweaked. Michael Bay could have easily released the first 3 in ANY order and nobody would have been the wiser. They all felt like a remake of each other. Part 4 on the other hand is a detour from the first three mainly because of its entirely new cast. I can't say its better, but it is different. They all feature Transformers do transformery things. They ALL feature Optimus Prime and Bumblebee but the rest of the robots are all mainly different .. So with that said, Why not do the 4 biggest differences between Extinction and its younger siblings?. OK!! I WILL
Michael Bay did something different here. he ditched THE ENTIRE cast of the first three movies and replaced them. Good decision? I can see where Shia LaBeouf was turning into a mess so it was necessary to replace him, but I did enjoy him in the first 3 oddly enough. This approach basically paved the way to remove EVERYBODY. Why not right? it refreshes a franchise that saw three identical movies. It worked because Age of Extinction made a BOAT load on opening night from what I hear. You wouldn't tell from the theater I was in. It was pretty dead and I normally attend opening night showings and packed houses. It made me worry about this franchises future.... but apparently I was wrong.
Mark Wahlburger stars as 'Cade Yeager', why he has that name I have no idea. Maybe its an anagram. Hes a struggling inventor who stumbles upon a beaten up transformer hiding out. That transformer is Optimus Prime. In the events between Age and Dark of the Moon, the Government has declared ALL Transformers to be enemy of the state considering what transpired in Chicago in the last movie. This has forced Optimus to go into hiding as well as all the other Autobots. Walberg does a good job taking over rank in this film. I'm not a huge fan of his acting unless hes playing an action hero. Hear he starts off somewhat drama-y and progresses to action star. (Go watch 'The Happening' and tell me Wahlberg isn't terrible) The rest of the cast is a breath of fresh air as they relieve the outgoing cast. Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Kelsey Grammer and Titus Welliver do a fine job stepping into new shoes. Stanely Tucci and TJ Miller are the standouts though as they give the movie it's comedic relief
Returning, as usual, are Optimus Prime, Rachet and Bumblebee, but we get two new Autobot stars.. Hound voiced by the one and only John Goodman and Drift voiced by Ken Watanabe. Goodman does a great job playing a bullet shell smoking roughneck, while Watanabe plays the franchises first foreign Autobot. Drift is a Triple changer who goes from Bugatti, to helicopter to samurai swordsman. It's a big change from the previous movie's take on Autobots and I think it held up decently. You're a bit taken back as to why he is Asian but then again... why not? Why are any of these alien robots American?
We also have Crosshairs voiced by some guy I don't know so I don't care. Another good thing is they have been visually redesigned to better appear on film. while the last three movies always looked like a big mess of metal during fights scenes, the Autobots have been streamlined to look better in a fight. Gone are the days where you had absolutely no clue what you were looking at.. you still have a little trouble but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.
A major shift in this movie is it's villain, Lockdown. Lockdown plays a cybernetic bounty hunter who is secretly hired by the govt' to track down Transformers on Earth. Lockdown has no allegiance to Autobots or Decepticons. He was tasked originally to track and retrieve Optimus Prime by the "Creators" whoever they are. He's working with the humans for one purpose, to complete his mission for the Creators and capture Optimus Prime. It's a good change to see the Autobots not fighting Decpeticons, but a new foe. His story is fairly good and he is visually stunning so it's an added bonus.
Galvatron is also shift in a way. Any fan of the cartoons knows Galvatron as the reincarnation (for lack of a better term) of Megatron by Unicron. Here, Galvatron is a creation of KSI, the company in Age of Extinct that has been creating its own Transformers with the use of an element that all transformers are made of. Galvatron was originally created as a military weapon that can be controlled, but we eventually learn that he has been infected by the remains of Megatron. Its not a straight match from the cartoon, but its close enough considering what they have to work with. While Galvatron didn't play a ultra huge villainous part in the movie, it leaves the door open for him to return in future installments which is pretty cool.
Dinobots be in movie, Grimlock ruler of Dinobots. Grimlock captured by Lockdown million years ago and kept as trophy. Optimus release Grimlock. Grimlock fight for autobots. Grimlock also have friends like Scorn, Slash, Slug and Strafe. Dinobots are cool in movie. Everyone like Dinobots. Dinobots make up for bad Devestator in Revenge of Fallen movie and goofy Shockwave in Dark of Moon.
See this movie if you're a fan or like eye candy or want to wash the taste of the other Transformers movies out of your mouth.