Peacemaker Season 1 came to a close. It was a fun, dark comedy that gave us all the nostalgix feels of the 80s. The show centers around Christopher Smith (John Cena), a.k.a. Peacemaker, a black ops squad codenamed “Project Butterfly”.
Like all James Gunn projects, music plays a huge part in setting the mood and becoming a main character. Cena and Gunn rehabilitate Peacemaker from his stint in The Suicide Squad in such a way that hes not free from his crimes, but instead, atoning for them.
“Project Butterfly” is a group of misfits that slowly bond over their love of 80s hair metal and covert ops. Peacemaker was certainly a highlight of the year.
Here are 4 reasons to watch:
#4 Eagly
Peacemaker owns a pet bald eagle named Eagly. Its something of a running gag as Eagly is more human than most characters in the show. He give hugs, protects Peacemaker when needed and at times brings him some possum kills as gifts. Its mans best friend but in the form of a CGI Eagle. Eagly has a personality and it shines.
#3 Music
Music has always been a huge part of James Gunn movies. Guardians of Galaxy wouldn’t work without Peter Quill’s mixed tape full of rock classics. Peacemaker centers around his obsession with 80s hair metal, a taste that is shared by his sidekick Adrian Chase a.k.a. Vigilante, John Economos (Steve Agee), and Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks). Hair and glam ballads establish the tone of Peacemaker and act as an essential part of the story, just as much as it does f or GOTG
#2 Vigilante
Adrian Chase a.k.a. Vigilante, played by Freddie Storm, Is the Ying to Peacemakers Yang. While Peacemakr still has some morales when it comes to murder, Vigilante does not. Not in the slightest. All he wants is to be like Peacemaker and in most ways hes better. Hes got icewater in his veins and will run head first into a hail of bullets only to be the hero at all costs. This aside, Vigilante is so absurdly over the top thats its utterly hilarious. Not only do we have absurdity in the for of Peacemaker, its topped time and time again by Vigilante. More is better.
#1 Opening Sequence
I mean come… just watch it. It epic
Peacemaker has been my favorite D.C.E.U. tv series so far, with the perfect blend of comedy, darkness, and teamwork. Its perfect, especially if you remember the 80s