While they may be produced by different studios, 4 Marvel Comics based movies hit theaters this Summer.
Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel Studios), X-Men Days of Future Past (20th Century Fox), The Amazing Spider-man 2 (Sony), and Captain America: the Winter Soldier (Marvel Studios)
We just saw Guardians of the Galaxy last week, and already gave it it's own 4list. Seeing as there were 4 Marvel based movies this year, why not 4list them all into a MEGA MARVEL MOVIE 4LIST? It will give us a chance to revisit some of the Summer blockbusters from earlier this year with some RE-WRITES!! We know you love re-writes. Plus we can get more in depth since were reworking the 4 in 4list.
Enjoy some humorless reviews.
4. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Easily the worst out of the four. While it wasn't as much of a let down as Sam Raimi's , beat poet, jazz dancing 'Spider-Man 3', 'The Amazing Spider Man 2' was a disappointment. It's very sad to see the state of Spider-Man movies in this day and age. Spidey is easily one of Marvel's most iconic franchises and one of Stan Lee's greatest creations. It makes you wonder what a Spider-Man movie would be like if done through Marvel Studios. The movie is chock full of villains and only eludes to more. It took the recipe of Spider-Man 3 and implemented it in a sophomore reboot. It would be one thing if these characters were entertaining but they're ALL duds.
Electro... where did this suit come from?
Jamie Foxx's Electro only serves as a means to end for Dane Dehann's Green Goblin. The transformation of Foxx's character from Max Dillon to Electro is also extremely poorly written. He goes from Spidey loving, nerdy super fan, to an evil jacked up lightning freak hell bent on killing Spidey in a matter of seconds with no explanation why (Apparently one is supposed to listen to the music for this answer. The music being the thoughts of Electro. He hates Spidey because he feels Spidey lied to him. Spider-Man said "there will be no more shooting" but then a sniper took a shot at Electro.. thus Spider-Man lied and deserves to DIE..... um... ok?)
One of the worst (or "so bad its great") moments in Marvel or movie history is the close up, often missed shot, of Max Dillon's gapped tooth being magically fixed by super electric eels during his transformation to Electro. I laughed out loud. Not because it was funny but because it was ridiculously stupid. The saddest part is he doesn't feel like the main villain at all. He's technically not but one would assume he should be.
Dane DeHaan- Green Goblin
The other major headache in this film is Harry Osborne/Green Goblin. Not only is he poorly acted by DeHaan (who is obviously trying too hard to be the next DiCaprio), the character of Harry Osbourne is extremely rushed and just plain boring.
-Harry returns to NY after being gone for 10 years. We learned Parker and Osbourne were friends when they were 10 years old. Upon Osbornes return, Parker has approxiately 6 minutes of conversation with him. He then explains to Gwen Stacey that Osbourne is his 'best friend' . WHAT? Where did that come from? The entire conversation between Parker and Osbourne felt phony and timid, how are they best friends? it just felt stupid.
Next we have Harry's transformation. I won't even get into the spider blood that could have saved Norman Osbourne (it's the reason Goblin hates Spidey). Harry visits his dying father, Norman Osbourne. Upon talking with him, Norman explains the 'Osbourne family' disease and how it will effect Harry too. IN THAT INSTANT, Harry begins to show signs of the disease. Seriously? That's a big coincidence. The rest of the movie we see Harry trying to find a cure, only to fully transform in the last 10 minutes.The twists and turns in this one are just horribly written.
Garfield/Stone on SNL
The one 'up-side' of ASM2 is the relationship between Parker and Stacey. Typically the corny teenage love story is the worst part of a comic book movie but seeing as Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are dating in real life, their "true" chemistry bleeds into the film in an amazing way. It doesn't work often in movies (Gigli being a good example of the complete opposite effect) but in ASM2 it shines. Too bad it was too little too late for this flick. I will also commend the writers for a great finale that was the only good adaptation of the comics in the entire film.
(SPOILER- With only two highlights that can't be seen in any Spider Man movies to come, its a shame we had to see this movie end like this. The death of Gwen Stacey was a staple issue of the Amazing Spider-Man series and I feel they should have saved that until the next film. Her death being the only true to the comic vision in this movie simply isn't enough to reverse all the wrong directions taken in writing. Now that Gwen (Emma Stone) is out of the picture, the only thing the series had going for it (Garfield/Stone chemistry) was ripped away. Not entirely, but a lot of the film felt like a set up for 'The Sinister Six'. A movie like the Amazing Spider-Man should rest on it's own and not feel like a spring board for a lesser brand. It's not a terrible film, but could have been much much better.
See this movie if you're a hardcore Spider-Man fan, or if you have the flu and are in bed for a few days. It should be out on Blu ray eventually so you can find it at Redbox at some point. Its wasn't worth the movie ticket price, but wasn't the worst Spider-man made, that title belongs to Spider-Man 3
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
I'll be the first to admit I never read the early Guardians of the Galaxy comic, but it doesn't matter because this movie was not based on those. I DID however read the Rocket Raccoon spin offs back in 1985. While I found them enjoyable, it was only my 10 year old self doing the early reviewing. I can't tell you what the comics were about being such a long time ago and only being 4 of them, but I can tell you what the covers looked it. There were cool space raccoons shooting everything. I was young and easily tempted by cool 'different' comics, and a space raccoon was definitely different. The same can be said for Guardians of the Galaxy. It's a much different entity than all other comic book movies and that's what gives it such great appeal. James Gunn did a phenomenal job with it and proves that it was a movie worth making.
While the first incarnation of the Guardian's in the comics was completely different, the movie is based off a 2008 reboot/reteaming featuring the characters we see in the movie today. This is what lead to a lot of people saying "whaaaaaaaa?" when the movie was announced seeing as it was such a new entity.
My first gripe with this movie is lack of character development . We get a semi back story of Star Lord/Peter Quill. Only the death of his mother, the presentation of a 'gift' ( a sort of set up for part 2) and his abduction by space pirates. As for all the other characters, there is no back story shown. An extra 20-30 minutes setting them up would have fit pretty well and made this movie whole. Without it I feel like you had to have read the comic first. It's something I can overlook, but I still desire that arc.
Batista as Drax
My second, and only other complaint is Drax.. not the character but the actor, David Batista. He was just a terrible actor. If he never spoke I would totally enjoy his portrayal but unfortunately he DID open his mouth, and when he did he sounded like a Pro Wrestler in his first acting role.. Hey, whaddayaknow.. he IS a Pro wrestler in his first major acting role. While he had some funny one liners, his delivery just wasn't what I wanted. Everything he says is just flat. He felt like a came straight out of a C movie, not a B movie.. "C"!!. Imagine if your uncle played Drax.. your NON ACTING uncle, and you'd get the same result. I've seen others praising him, but for me, he just wasn't my cup of tea for this role other than 'visually' looking like Drax with a tweaked color. To be honest I think Vin Diesel was wasted as Groot since he only said one line and was mainly CGI. I feel he would have made a better Drax. Think for a minute about that....A pissed off funky colored Riddick hell bent on revenge. I can only dream I guess.
Guess what though.... THAT'S IT!.. Everything from there on out is a fantastic ride. Direction, cinematography, CGI, story line, main and supporting cast (except Drax), are all great in this movie. Even the Gaffer and Key gripe demand an applause for their fine fine work , whatever it is they do.
Chris Pratt does a stellar (pun) job as Peter Quill/ Star Lord. His semi doofus personality is great to watch. It gives the movie something extra other than your straight lead actor. He can't be commended enough.
Karen Gillan/Nebula
Being a 'space' flick, were introduced to a lot of alien species. Very unlike most comic book movies that take place on Earth. While Rocket and Groot undoubtedly steal the show with their tongue and cheek one liners (Groot LITERALLY has one line and its the basis for countless jokes throughout the movie) Karen Gillan and Michael Rooker do a terrific job heading the supporting cast. I'm a HUGE HUGE HUGE Karen Gillan fan. She played Amy Pond on Doctor Who and seeing her last year at San Diego Comic Con for the surprise Guardian's Panel was a treat. She is known for her gorgeous red locks. She came on stage as beautiful as ever only to remove a 'wig made from her own hair' and let everyone know she's serious about this acting thing..... head fully shaved for her role as 'Nebula'. Its great to see actors going the extra step for what they love, especially if its Gillan.
Michael Rooker/ Yondu
Rooker also holds his own playing yet another 'asshole'. He is typecast constantly, but it fits. He always plays a semi antagonist that you hate but 'sorta' like. Same holds true here in his portrayal of 'Yondu Udonta'. Space Pirate/Bounty hunter/mercenary responsible for the abduction of Peter Quill and only out to make a buck and kill anyone who crosses him in that pursuit. Seeing as Rooker does such a good job playing a 'dick' , he's the perfect fit for Yondu.
One last highlight of Guardian's and probably one of its greatest standouts is its soundtrack. Littered throughout Guardians is a great 70's mix tape owned by Peter Quill. We hear it throughout the movie and it rocks!.. I simply LOVE this soundtrack. It has to be one of the best for any movie out there to date.
1."Hooked on a Feeling" Blue Swede
2."Go All the Way" Raspberries
3."Spirit in the Sky" Norman Greenbaum
4."Moonage Daydream" David Bowie
5."Fooled Around and Fell in Love" Elvin Bishop
6."I'm Not in Love" 10cc
7."I Want You Back" The Jackson 5
8."Come and Get Your Love" Redbone
10."Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" Rupert Holmes
11."O-o-h Child" Five Stairsteps
12."Ain't No Mountain High Enough" Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
See this movie or at least buy it on Blu ray in a few months. Even if your'e not a comic fan you can appreciate this on a sci-fi space adventure level.
2. X-Men: Days of Future Past
Coming off the heels of one of my favorite movies, 'X-Men: First Class', we get Brian Singers return to the X-Men universe with 'Days of Future Past'. Being a huge fan of 'First Class' I was eagerly awaiting this movie. With a story line ripped directly from the comics, the actors and characters from 'First Class' reprising their roles as well as the cast from the earlier X-Men movies joining forces sounded PHENOMENAL. While it did impress tremendously, it did disappoint in areas too. I'm not hating on DOFP whatsoever, It's easily the 2nd best movie in the franchise and I HIGHLY recommend seeing it, but wanted to point out some things that left a sour taste in my mouth.
It just felt like you missed some movies....DOFP takes place in the 70's, ten years after the events of First Class. (the comics took place in the 80's but seeing as they wanted to relate to the events in First Class this is understandable) One of my favorite aspects of 'First Class' was the incorporation of 'true life events' (the Cuban missile crisis). It grounds the movie in a way that simply helps suspend my disbelief all that much more, and just makes it a more interesting and fun story. DOFP tries to do the same thing with the 'Paris Peace Accords' that brought an end to the Vietnam War. The only problem... who really knows about the Paris Peace accords? Most don't even remember it and it was such a boring aspect to center a movie around. The Vietnam War is one thing, the meeting to end it that nobody can really write a lot about is another. Granted it wasn't a huge aspect of the film, but it was there as a way to bridge First Class and DOFP. My main problem is between 'Last Stand' and 'First Class', you feel like you missed a few movies in the time line.
Apparently, Magneto is being held in prison for the assassination of JFK. Did we see it... No.. THAT would be a movie I'd love to see.... Another X-Men movie focused around another huge event in history. We simply jump from First Class to DOFP and miss what sounds like A CRAPLOAD of great story lines in between. I Know its a petty gripe but its a valid one. (There was an online element that was created to bridge this gap but few heard about it or saw it - www.thebentbullet.com)
The same goes for the animosity between Magneto and Mystique. What, why, how, when?. All we know is they went their own ways at some point between 'First Class' and DOFP (yet we know in the FUTURE they will be best buds again). So where did all THAT come from. Again, I feel like I missed a movie along the way. Mystique making the decision to join Magneto in the end of 'First Class' was a HUGE part of the movie and helped explain the evolution of Mystique. But causing this internal strife in DOFP, the ending of 'First Class' is negated. The same holds true to an extent for the future X-Men. We see a distant dystopian future where Charles Xavier is alive.... how? We know at the end of 'The Wolverine' he appears to Logan (to Logan's bewilderment). But are never 'officially' told how he came back. (we know about the body at the end of 'Last Stand' but how does he look exactly like Xavier? Twin brother? Why is he still in a wheelchair then? It's all speculation, WE WANT ANSWERS). Then we have the future we see in DOFP as well. It again feels like we missed a few movies between 'Last Stand' and DOFP. I do understand that the comic traverses in the same way, so this one can be overlooked a bit more, plus I know we won't be seeing the old cast return in their own full X-men movies, So I'm more easily willing to ignore this set back. But still, I'm left feeling like I missed out on something great.
Peter Dinklage - 'Bolivar Trask'
On the other hand, there are PLENTY of standouts in this film. Bolivar Trask being one of them. Peter Dinklage has become HUGE lately (no offense) and its understandable why. He's a terrific actor. He brought Bolivar to life and gave him a sense of gravitas even though he's a little person. That's amazing. I only wish we saw more of him in DOFP. The realization and creation of his Sentinels is a highlight of this movie. (70's version... the future versions feel like a rip off of Thor's 'Destroyer')
Evan Peters- 'Quicksilver'
Quicksilver was definitely a scene stealer in this film. Even though it was a short piece, Magneto's 'Prison Breakout' scene starring Quicksilver (Evan Peters) was breathtaking. Backed by an excellent musical choice (Jim Croce- Time in a bottle) it simply impresses. If you've seen the movie or plan to, you WILL remember this scene and hanker to see it from time to time. The visuals and music come together in a choreographed dance that demands appreciation. With all the negative feedback regarding Quicksilver once his wardrobe was revealed prior to the movie's release, its hard to think how this scene could be this good. Singer did an old school "switch 'em up" and threw in an amazing piece of film where everyone was expecting garbage.
As for the comic differences, they're easy to let go once you realize that writing a comic and making a movie with actual people (who may or may not be box office draws) are two completely different things. I will commend Singer for his choice of characters, especially Bishop. But the change from Kitty Pride to Wolverine is an easy one to forgive. While Ellen Page is a great actress, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine is why most people go to see an X-Men movie. Hes the only one to get his own spin offs so far, so its only natural that he take over the task. The surprising news is he's not the main character in this movie as he has been in all other iterations (except First Class which he only had a cameo in) Yes, he's there in a huge way, but you never really see him take the lead as you have in the past. Something I feel which makes the movie better as a whole. You don't have ONE definitive star. Some people hate this, other people like this. I'm part of the latter.
Definitely see this movie or buy it as soon as its released on Blu-Ray .
1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
'THE' best Marvel movie of the Summer if not the best Marvel movie made to date. The Winter Soldier simply kills. While the first Captain America was phenomenal (we all know how much I love a period piece) the second does a good job of topping it.
The Winter Soldier is extraordinarily written, directed and acted. I have absolutely no complaints with this film at all and that's saying something. I'll bitch about anything.
Steve Rogers is back after his stint in the Avengers initiative. Hes adapting to life in 2014 and soon realizes something is amiss. This movie does a great job of crossing over it's dissemination of S.H.I.E.L.D. with it's T.V. counterpart, 'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D'. Watching M.A.O.S might also help in making this movie rise above the rest. It just goes to show that they got some great writers on board for this film as well as Marvel's AOS and helps it feel like a larger entity than it is. Unlike X-Men DOFP, the Winter Soldier story arc isn't ripped directly from the comics. Instead its loosely based on several aspects from different time intervals in the Captain America universe. This isn't a bad thing. The writing and storyline for Winter Soldier is partly what makes this such an amazing film. This screenplay is simply fantastic! and does Captain America (very deserved) justice.
Samuel L. Jackson/ Nick Fury
One of the biggest standout in the film is Samuel L Jackson's 'Nick Fury. One always knew he was the DIRECTOR of S.H.I.E.L.D, but as we learned 'everyone has a boss'. Fury's being 'Alexander Pierce' played by Robert Redford'. Pierce heads S.H.I.E.L.D as a shrewd businessman and head of 'Project Insight' with a hidden agenda.
That hidden agenda being the elimination of Fury, Capt. and anyone else to make way for the eventual uprising of HYDRA . The secret quasi-German organization featured in 'Captain America The First Avenger'. All had assumed the group had been destroyed, however brilliantly, it instead disguised itself in plain site by being the secret building blocks of S.H.I.E.L.D. upon its creation after WWII. Its internal factions are now poised to strike and reclaim world dominance using S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Project Insight. (3 huge Heli-carriers designed and equipped to locate and eliminate every human being.) Capt. America, Falcon and Black Widow must now be forced into hiding as they try to stop the world's newest threat.
This movie just runs on all cylinders for its entire length. Scarlett Johansson/ Black Widow shines in this one as she takes on a bigger role in every Marvel movie she is in.
Anthony Mackie/ Falcon
Anthony Mackie does a great job introducing 'Falcon' into the Marvel cinematic universe. His 'wing harness' in the comics being replaced with a slightly more traditional 'flight pack' for the movie. This vision of the Falcon fits in perfectly in the world of Captain America. This movie ditched aliens and a lot of the hockey super human aspects of superheroes (e.g. Iron Man 3 2013, the Avengers 2012) to focus more on a practical, real life take (e.g. Iron Man 2008, The Dark Knight 2008). While CGI was still a huge part, we saw less "magical" super powers and more straight out 'fight scenes full of fists'. Iron Man 3's fire breathing, glowing super soldiers left me angry while Capt. 2 left me very satisfied. This grounds the film much like wrapping the story around actual events and it does wonders.
As for Chris Evans, he fills the shoes of Capt. Steve Rogers perfectly. Forever the goodie two shoe's, it's a perfect marriage. This being the complete opposite of Evan's take on Johnny Storm/ the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four movies. It just proves that Evan's, while being eye candy for the ladies, is quite a good actor.
'Bucky' Barnes/ The Winter Soldier
Capt. America: The Winter Soldier tells a great story, even though its title character "The Winter Soldier" doesn't play as big of the antagonist as one would think, but more of a puppet for Redford's HYDRA, but he is big part of the movie's success. Most fans of the comics will know The Winter Soldier's origins even though he's fairly recent (2005) but it translates pretty well onto the large screen. Especially his timely realization in the end credits. It's always great to see aspects of comic book movies stay close to their comics book roots in a way that appeases their fans. 'Winter Soldier' does it well.
This is possibly Marvel's best work to date, you need to see this movie sooner rather than later.