Patriots' Day is a civic holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War on April 19, 1775.The holiday was originally celebrated on April 19, the actual anniversary of the battles. Since 1969, it has been observed on the third Monday in April, providing a three-day long weekend in Massachusetts.
Traditionally on this day Bostonian's celebrate with the running of the Boston Marathon, and the start of the earliest game in Baseball. The Red Sox play at 11 am to coincide with the Marathon.
I traditionally partake in the events... here's a poem about Monday's "Incident"
a Patriots Day poem:
Its Marathon Monday on Patriots day
a Red Sox game, at beloved Fenway.
Its tradition to watch all those runners run
And eat a Fenway Frank in a hot dog bun
But all this fun must come to a end
festivities close and I really must fend
I hop on the Red Line and make my way
I head back home, after a really long day
my stomach growls, I should get some grub
I stop for Chinese, "Im real hungry, bub"
Later I arrive at my humble dwelling
Cant wait to eat what those guys were selling
A metal container surrounds my food
I dig right in, cuz Im one hungry dude
the metal is sharp but I pay no attention
cuz if you ask me food is a delicious invention
I have an Eggroll, and some chicken wings
I like to put soy sauce on these kinds of things
I rip open the packet and pour it on,
in a few minutes this food will be gone
I notice one thing, and scratch my head
"hhhm" i think, "this soy sauce is red?"
"oh well" i figure "it must be new"
im gonna eat all this crap and chew chew chew
I shove food in my face and eat like a "champ"
what i dont know yet is that word should be "vamp"
I happen to notice my food taste funny
I dont expect this for that kind of money
it has a slight tinge that I couldn't quite place
then a look of disgust crosses my face
I look down at my hand and my heart feels a "thud"
That soy sauce was red CUZ THAT SOY SAUCE WAS BLOOD
What I didnt notice in my hurry to chow
I sliced open my finger, but I never said "Ow"
at first Im grossed out since its not something you see
but thought "aah whatever, that blood came from me"
I chalked this one up to a gross life event
I only wish now that my money was well spent
'cep I can't shake this feeling, looking at my sliced thumb
"I accidentally ate my blood, will it come out my bum?"