What an INSANE past two days. I feel like I'm back in Hall H with all theses trailers dropping. First Star Wars, now Batman V Superman. What a treat. I can only be grateful though since neither will have much, if anything, at SDCC. With Disney rumored to be pulling out in favor of its own D23 convention, its going to be DC's years to shine. With their biggest title dropping a trailer 'today', who knows what they'll bring to SDCC now. But that's a few months away. For now we have two days of nerdgasming to last us a while.
Lets take a look at what dropped today in the BvS trailer.
Warner Brothers was planning on showcasing the Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice teaser at theaters across the globe on Monday April 20th. Fans were instructed to find theaters showing the trailer near them and register for a pass to the event. I was a little concerned since the closet theater to me isn't very close, and I'm not sure I'd want to invest a lot of effort to get there for a 2 minute teaser trailer. Luckily "someone" leaked the trailer yesterday. Mind you it was a blurry, cellphone recording of the footage (in Portuguese), but it was still leaked. Warner Brothers did the only thing they could... they released the trailer early. Their plan was ruined, sucks for them but its good for the rest of us I guess. Saves me a hike to watch a 2 minute teaser.
Ill be honest, I'm glad I didn't go, while it is a decent trailer full of OMG moments, it wouldnt be worth the trip in my opinion. It didn't contain MUCH footage. Mostly random dialogue talking about weather Superman should be trusted or not. Basically a political expose of who Superman might turn out to be seeing as he has powers nobody on the planet can match. We didn't see a whole lot of Batman but more than ever before. Coming off the heels of The Force Awakens, I just don't think any movie in existence could possibly put out anything people would be over the top excited about as much as they were for SW. I'll tell you what though, If this was released Wednesday instead of today, its a WHOLE different ballgame. Its kinda like watching the last 2 minutes of the Super Bowl FIRST, then going back to watch the rest, "Tarantino style".
I'm not going to '4List' this one, I'm just gonna drop some Screenshots from the trailer. Here's my major gripe.. these screenshots ARE the trailer. Each shot would flash on the screen for a second, not much movement, not much action whatsoever. I guess the best part was the Dialogue at the end spoken by Batman (Affleck) in a computerized synthetic voice: "Tell me... do you bleed. You will". Why its computerized, I have no clue. As far as teasers go.. this one takes the cake.. it teases more than anything. I can only relate it to the first Force Awakens teaser when we only saw short unknown clips. This teaser IS great, but man oh man, Im sitting here typing and thinking of Star Wars.... sorry Snyder, sorry Warner Brothers.
not sure who these people are and why some have makeup on. Maybe some sort of street festival. Reminds me of Batman Forever though, just not glow in the dark paint.
Superman Guards. Possible implication that there will be a task force loyal to Superman. Quite odd
Dissension in the ranks. Religion plays a role here. Though shall not worship false gods afterall.
Show off. Superman shows off his might and spanking new "abs" while lifting a Russian something or other.
First official shot of Bruce Wayne. This shot was voiced over by Jeremy Irons (Alfred) speaking of Fear, rage and powerlessness turning men 'cruel'. We get a sense Batman may be the bad guy here
More of the terrific new batsuit
Batman is JACKED. This appears to be a far away shot of the 'battle armor' notice the easter egg on the column?.. ?....?.....?....?...
Consensus is this is the "Batwing". I'm weary of making that call. While it looks like it may be, its murdering badies (or good guys) Not in Batman's nature. Maybe this is Batman turning 'cruel'. Maybe its Luthor doing the killing. It remains to be seen.
Batmobile in action
First live action shot of Batman stepping out of something for literally 0.3 seconds. While the Nolan trilogy has a practical take on the Batsuit which was terrific, this is my favorite so far. Very true to the comics while still appearing grounded.
Dark Knight-esque shot. If you look close you will see Batman is holding a sniper rifle.. another Batman discrepancy. However it has been pointed out that Frank Miller had given Batman a sniper rifle once and it shot rubber bullets and grappling hooks.
Batarmor... lets face it, H'es gonna need it. Fans will remember this scene from SDCC
Here we hear Batman's new 'robotic' voice also with a Bale sort of raspy growl on top of it
another 0.3 second shot. This is the best screengrab I could pull off but its still pretty impressive
The full trailer is below, Batman v Superman drops on March 25th, 2016..