Some things that can be addressed
4. No glimpse of their suits... yet.....Not surprising though. We just get shots of their pseudo-suits which i assume they'll wear until they finally get matching outfits.. But knowing the way this entire movie went.. who knows. They may never wear suits
3. The back of The Thing/Ben Grimm looks great. He's completely naked but hes rock so who cares. The practical effects used in the last iteration were decent, I thought, but SHOULD have been fully CGI.. I think practical effects vs CGI comes down to one thing... "damned if you do, damned if you dont" People are gonna complain no matter what. But a figure like Grimm needs to be CGI in this day and age
2. Where was Victor Von Domashev? I think we hear him for a second lying in a hospital bed saying "Be ready for whats coming..... the answers". It would have been HUGE to see his mask or what he looks like. I've heard rumors that the movie is unwatchable, meaning after post, it just doesn't click..Im willing to hold judgement of that until I see it, but at least give me some Doctor Doom(ashev) to make me feel better.
1. I really like that '4'