With the Legends of Tomorrow trailer dropping yesterday, we saw more of Brandon Routh as 'the Atom'. This isnt his first time stepping into the shoes of a comic book superhero. We also know him as Clark Kent/Superman in 2006's 'Superman Returns'. Lets a take a look at the top 4 actors to take on Double Superhero Duty.
4. Brandon Routh -Superman/The Atom (DC)
Brandon Routh got his superhero start playing 'the man of steel' in 2006's 'Superman Returns' While I found it to be a decent film, many critics trashed the movie blaming Routh's acting chops and boring demeanor as the cause. I'm not sure if any of them know this but Clark Kent is a 'mild mannered reporter' and Superman is basically an adult boy scout in the comics, so I found Routh to be a perfect fit. Not to mention he looks like a younger, more fit Christopher Reeves. Routh now suits up as 'The Atom' in the DC television universe, making appearances on 'Arrow', 'the Flash' and starring in the upcoming "DC's Legends of Tomorrow"
-(lets not forget Routh also played Todd Ingram, 'League of Evil Exes, Evil Ex #3" in 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World")
3. Chris Evans -The Human Torch/Captain America (Marvel)
Chris Evans appeared in 2 'Fantastic Four' films as Johnny Storm aka 'the Human Torch'. Evan's cocky, hunkish personality fit the role perfectly in my opinion. Chasing women, posing for paparazzi, and cashing in on his superpowers was exactly what fans were expecting and it worked, Unfortunately the films didn't make as much money as hoped. Evens was then cast as Steve Rogers aka 'Captain America' in the new Marvel Cinematic universe. He first starred in 'Captain America: The First Avenger', then reprising his role in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier', 'Marvel's The Avengers' and 'Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron'. He's set to keep the role alive in 'Civil War' and Infinity Wars 1 and 2. That's a crapload of movies now that I think of it.
-(Evans also joined Routh in 'Scott Pilgrim.." as Lucas Lee, Evil Ex #2 in the 'League of Evil Exes".. he ALSO played 'Curtis', the protagonist in 2013's 'Snowpiercer', a film based off a French graphic novel AND played superpower wielding 'Nick Grant' in 2009's 'Push' which was not based off a comic, however, had a comic made as a prequel to it after its film's release.. one could argue he's played 5 characters total... why isnt he #1?.. well I'm not counting those since none are Marvel or DC properties)
2. Ryan Reynolds -Deadpool/Green Lantern/Deadpool (Marvel/DC/Marvel)
You'll remember Reynolds being PERFECTLY cast as Wade Wilson in 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine, only to have the character of Deadpool completely ruined in the end of the film. He then took on the role of Hal Jordan in 2011's 'Green Lantern'. The film was seen as a major flop. Fans then went online to petition for a TRUE Deadpool movie to be made and insisted Reynolds keep the Wilson role seeing as he makes a much better Deadpool than Green Lantern.. Reynolds personality seemed a perfect fit for 'the Merc with a Mouth' and everyone agreed. The best thing is this NEW Deadpool has nothing to do with the OLD Deadpool ...THANK GOD. This being the case, one can argue Reynolds has played 2.5 Superheroes.
1. Ben Affleck- Daredevil/George Reeves as 'Superman'/Batman (Marvel/DC/DC)
Hometown homeboy, Ben Affleck is no stranger to superhero roles. Affleck got his superhero start in 2003's 'Daredevil' playing Hell's Kitchen's blind Lawyer 'Matt Murdock', who took justice into his owns hands as the 'the man without fear'...'Daredevil'. The film was not received well, however I for one am a huge Daredevil fan in general, and enjoyed the Affleck film.
What some forget to remember is that Affleck then took on the role of 'George Reeves' in 2006's 'Hollywoodland' . George Reeves was one of the earliest actors to take on the role of Superman in the 1950's television show by the same name. So in a way, Affleck was also Superman in a "meta" sort of way......And we all know Affleck will next be on screen as billionaire 'Bruce Wayne'/'Batman' in Zack Snyder's 2016 film 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'. Can we count this as 3 Superheroes? The Trifecta!