This week saw some Star Wars news and a few pretty cool Star Wars rumors.
Lets dive right in because I just ate a big plate of pasta, probably more pasta than one should normally eat in one sitting. If you're Michael Phelps or a marathon runner it's different, but I'm not them, I'm regular, so I'm getting drowsy.
4. Sylvester Stallone as Han Solo
Sly Stallone swung by the Tonight Show this past Thursday to talk with our pal Jimmy Fallon about Expendables 3. As the conversation turned toward Harrison Ford, Sly mentioned that he once auditioned for Han Solo back in the 70's. Sly talks about being rejected for the role and how he wouldn't fit in space with 'his face'. I have to agree, the 1970's Stallone wasn't much to look at. Go watch Rocky and try to not think how weird Sly looks in that movie. .... Watch the full interview here
3. Episode VII villain possibly revealed
The Latino Review... one of the utmost recognized sources when it comes to rumors..released some interesting news in reference to the villain of Episode VII. Take this info for what you will....
The Latino review writes:
The Inquisitors are the villains of Star Wars: Episode VII and the name of the main villain in Star Wars: Rebels. They seem to be loosly based on the now-deleted Expanded Universe Inquistors mixed with the hardened Sith look of Rebels' villain. The Inquisitors are defenders of the Sith Order and they've been around for a long time. Just how long is what turns Episode VII's story on it's head.
The rumor goes that Star Wars Rebels will be heavily involved in the Episode VII plot and will be setting up many characters including the Inquisitors. "Luke Skywalker will be missing in the beginning of the movie, because he's been captured by these Inquisitors. Most intriguingly, when he's rescued, the movie will flashback to a scene showing them serving Darth Vader, much like the Inquisitor serves the Sith in the Rebels cartoon."
Rumor news site 'Indie Revolver' also claims to know what the Inquisitor will look like
He's tall and thin and terrifyingly creepy, with glowing red eyes to match his red lightsaber. He's got some robotic upgrades, like Vader – but no mask. The cybernetic bits weave in and out of him. He's got a human upper lip, a steel jaw…
While most of this is all rumor its still very interesting. Only time will tell, and when it does, get ready for fanboys to start bitching and complaining, or rejoicing... either way they'll all follow suit.
2. Han Solo Episode VII concept art
Han Solo Episode VII possible concept art popped up on the web recently. While it's 'simply' concept art, it's been rumored that we'll likely see Solo in both get ups.
The first image looks similar to Solo's Endor fatigues from Return of the Jedi, while the second is familiar to any Star Wars fan as being a close match to Solo's Hoth snowsuit.
Are these real? We don't know. Is the Star Wars gang headed back to Hoth? We hope so. Did you just eat a huge plate of pasta? Probably not.
1. New look for Storm/Snowtroopers
This one is looking more and more likely. Images were leaked of possible Stormtrooper and Snowtrooper helmets. While personally I have no problem with them since i KNOW things WILL evolve over 30 years. Fanboys have been in an uproar stating that the Empire was disbanded and shouldn't have enough money to upgrade millions to billions of suits of armor. Really fanboys? You do know this is all fake right? There's no need to make up the dumbest theories known to man. PLUS you haven't even seen the movie, how can you have opinions about a backstory you're making up entirely!!??? GOD DAMN IT!! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!! NOW IM ALL HEATED. I MEAN, JESUS!! COME ON MAN. WHY AM I FAKE YELLING AT A COMPUTER??!! SON OF A BITCH
It seems like some are TRYING to hate everything this time around and will troll the hell out of anything Star Warsy they see. We enjoy the new look and feel that the 30 year evolve fits perfectly. Time for some ZZZzzzs. goodnight everyo............................................................