Look, I enjoy the Flash... I do, but it has one major flaw. It follows the same exact recipe as 'Smallville' did. Each week, a DC hero battles a new villain. This recipe has started to become stale. 'Week 1= fight villain #1, week 2= fight villain #2, week 3=fight villain #3, week 4= fight villain #4' Its extremely repetitive and feels lazy. I am glad the Flash throws in some side story and lore along with its obligatory story lines. The Harrison Wells arc has been a Godsend in the Flash series and does a good job of giving us something different for a change. I can only hope Legends of Tomorrow doesn't use the same basic episode recipe show after show after show. And if it does, which I'm sure it will anyway, give us some Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash type action PLEASE!
Overall the trailer looks ok. It doesn't look spectacular, doesn't look terrible. It looks like the CW through and through. That's what we've come to expect with DC television I guess. Makes you think how DC television would look on a different station. Gripes aside, I'm looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow, especially with the addition of 'Doctor Who' famed actor Artur Darvill as 'Rip Hunter'.
I hope they do a good job and it doesn't look too cheesy. Only time will tell. If it sucks? ...well...then we have the upcoming Justice League on the big screen to make up for it.