SDCC 2015 is officially in the books, and we have a lot to write about; the good, the bad AND the ugly. 2015 saw a slew of great panels, hot exclusives, off sight events and amazing cosplay. Even though my time was plagued with injury and illness (sprained ankle on Tuesday, sore throat/sinus infection from Thursday-Monday, dislocated knee on Friday) I still tried to make the best of it and not miss anything. Let's just jump right into the 4 big days
Since 2014, SDCC has incorporated a new "wristband" system. These wristbands appear to have been designed to possibly cut down on line cutting and camping, and allow attendees the chance to grab a wristband and get a good night sleep back at your hotel. Unfortunately, it has had the exact opposite. Thursday saw some big panels, from Bill Murray making a surprise appearance, to Mockingjay part 2, to Doctor Who. Fans hoping to make sure they got a seat to the latter two, started camping out Wednesday in order to be guaranteed a wristband. Yes, camping is now for wristbands AND panels... thanks SDCC. The wristbands for Thursday's panels would be distributed late Wednesday night, so fans started lining up early Wednesday morning. Once wristbands were distributed fans had the opportunity to return to their overpriced hotel room, but the fact is, if you do, and return the next day, you get placed at the very end of the wristband line. This in turn made everyone just continue camping to avoid going to the end of the line, getting a bad seat or risk being shut out entirely, even WITH a wristband which is supposed to guarantee you get in. Previous years saw hardcore Hall H attendees lining up at midnight the night before, and average attendees hoping into line at 6 or 7 am, the day of. These new wristbands have seemed to force all attendees to now camp 24+ hours, which in my mind is idiotic.
My Thursday consisted of jumping in the wristband line for Friday...all day!. Most of my day was wasted camping....simply to get a wristband. We did manage to have a few people in our group so I was able to escape the makeshift refugee camp long enough to catch some of the Doctor Who panel. This was the first time Ive been able to get into a Doctor Who panel. I attribute it to an old, less cute Doctor which I assume some no longer swoon for. Matt Smith always drew a huge crowd, but I don't think Peter Capaldi would do the same. It was full but, still...
The panel was interesting, I got to see a preview of the upcoming season and it looks INCREDIBLE. So make sure to catch it. After the half panel, it was back to the grind. I'd love to say I had a good day at SDCC on Thursday but all I did was mainly sit in a line for hours and hours and hours because I had to. Not doing so meant not getting a wristband for Hall H on Friday and missing the Star Wars panel. After a loooooooooong day/night, we were able to obtain wristbands and then decided to go back to our expensive hotel room and get 3 hours of sleep before needing to be back in line to wait all morning. Luckily this didn't effect us getting into Hall H Friday, but potentially could have.
Sidenote-To make matters worse there was a major screw up when it came to the ADA/handicap line waiting for wristbands. It turns out that only about 1% of the wristbands were allocated to this line. SDCC greatly underestimates, or simply doesn't care about disabled attendees. While a line formed by midday Thursday, attendees were told there were enough wristbands and to wait 7 to 8 hours. Once the bands were passed out it became apparent they only had about 60 wristbands for a line of about 300. An organized protest started to breakout, Channel 7 news came down to report, the assistant to the president of CCI was forced to come out and a small amount of extra wristbands were then passed out. This barely rectified the situation seeing as only another 40 or so wristbands were supplied bringing the total number of wristbands allocated to ADA to just over 100; out of 7000( About 1.4%). The issue was then replicated Friday night when another minuscule allocation was supplied to the ADA/handicapped line. SDCC seriously needs to reassess the ADA population at Comic Con. An allocation of 5% or 10% seems more than fair; the 1% supplied simply seems insulting. This is then worsened by the fact they let in the beginning of ADA attendees AFTER the mob of regular attendees. A few hundred "A" wristbands are allowed in first which I can only imagine becomes a nightmare for the 30 or 40 wheelchair bound attendees trying to navigate the isles. It would make far more sense to allow the wheelchairs early access to get them situated, then to let them fend for themselves when it comes to forcing attendees out of handicap seats or dodging running fans trying to get up front. The treatment of ADA just became apparently "flawed", and I only hope they correct it in the future...
Thursday turned out to be a huge bust. I wish I could have saved money and not even purchased a Thursday badge because I couldn't see the con anyway. Wasting my Thursday just to get in Friday just doesn't seem hindsight I got to see half of Doctor Who so I'm happy? um, ok... but before last year , I could have done so without wasting my time. SDCC should officially stand for "San Diego Camping-con".
Well Friday started out horribly. Awake at 4 am to get BACK in line for a day of panels starting in 6 hours. This would typically be normal except for the fact I camped longer on Thursday just to get to this point. I'd normally have more than 3 hours sleep (which was actually 1 hour of technical sleep). But once we got into Hall H it was a new ball game. The day started out with "The Animation Show of Shows". This is a yearly panel showcasing some of the best short animated movies. It's entertaining and I'm glad its first. They shut the lights off for the full panel since it's all video, so you're tempted to fall asleep from the lack of rest you got the night before. You might as well do it now before the big guns come out I guess. I managed to stay awake through all of it and as usual I was pleasantly surprised at this years showcase. But let's be honest, this panel is not what anyone came to see...up next was The Walking Dead..
The entire cast was there as usual to dish on the past season and tease on things to come. The only disappointment was the absence of Robert Kirkman due to a recent surgery. Kirkman has always been a big highlight of mine during SDCC seeing as we've stayed in the same hotel in past years and I always managed to run into him over and over. It got to a point were he started to remember me and what floor I'm on. I have to admit, as much as I love TWD, I'm a bit 'over' the panel. Year after year its just the same exact panel, with the exception of the absence of a few dead cast members and inclusion of next season footage I can see online anyway. All the camping we did for the same exact panel as last year seems a bit of a waste. In the future Id probably skip TWD since Ive seen it year after year, but I was only in the room to make sure I was there for Star Wars.
Then it was on to "Fear the Walking Dead" the companion show to TWD. It it sort of a prequel to the series, which chronicals the beginning of the outbreak and seems to take place while Rick Grimes was in a coma during season 1 of TWD. I had high hopes and the panel didn't disappoint too much. The trailer seemed to accentuate the fact that it's a completely different show set in the same world. It felt total separate from TWD in that it takes place during a time when society has yet to crumble. Think of it as more of a mystery program than horror. I will say that if this show was on the CW with a different name in a different universe, I'd be worried. It may be a dud but we'll have to wait and see.
It was then on to Game Of Thrones.....I'll say it...I do not watch Game Of Thrones, I do not read the books. I may be the only one who hasn't. I missed season one and have just never got around to diving into all 5 seasons. I will someday. The panel itself was like listen to a Chinese weather report. I had no idea what they were talking about or what was going on...that's not racist..I just don't speak Chinese. In hindsight it sort of makes no sense since Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world. I'm just a spoiled American I guess and never learned. That's on me. but GOT is just like TWD. the panel is identical year to year with the exclusion of killed off characters. If you've seen one of these panels, you've seen them all. If this is your first TWD or GOT panel, Id say camp 24 all you want, it's worth it, but missing an entire Thursday to see panels you've 'already seen' is becoming a complete waste.
Next up, "Entertainment Weekly's Brave New Warriors" a mash up of some of today's exciting male actors. It's basically a "women who kick ass" panel, but with men. To me it was filler but it can only be best described as the Magic Mike of Hall H panels. Women gushed and swooned at the guy from 'Outlander' while guys used this time to take a very long bathroom break or finally grab some food for it was what was up next that made us all camp for 24 hours........
Lucasfilm and Star Wars- The Force Awakens!!!
This panel made all the camping worthwhile. I've been waiting for this for 3 years and it finally came to SDCC. It started out with Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams and Larry Kasdan dishing the scoop on the new movie, followed by introductions of the new faces of Star Wars followed by the mighty three; Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford. We also got to see a behind the scenes footage of the making of the Force Awakens which was pretty exciting.
My one and only complaint has nothing to do with the panel but with Disney security.... You see, there was one Disney security guard who was obviously outsourced that insisted on standing right in front of us. We had great seats on the side of Hall H and he just stood there blocking our view. We called out a few times only to have him ignore us. After 10 or so requests I got his attention and made a "move" gesture. After paying a LOT of money to be here as well as camping for a really long time, I was damned if I'd miss seeing the panel due to some cocky prick with a stick up his ass. Apparently that stick was shoved far up there because instead of moving, he forced Hall H security to prevent me from taking pictures and to delete the ones I already had... simply of moderator Chris Hardwick. I asked Hall H security why I was being forced to do this and was told " because he said so" all the while EVERYONE else was allowed to continue taking photos. I was singled out by the stuck up dickface On a power trip but I tried to not let it ruin my night. I just enjoyed the panel " photo free" while being monitored by cockface every few minutes. No matter, the panel was simply amazing even with fucktard beating me in a pissing contest.
..and what better way to end the panel than with a surprise Star Wars concert at the near by symphony pavilion. The entire audience was invited to a concert featuring music from Star Wars from the San Diego symphony orchestra. Led by storm troopers, all of Hall H LEFT and walked the quarter mile to the event. I can only imagine how dejected Kevin Smith must have felt after JJ Abrams cleared out the hall immediately before his panel. It is a dick move only because I heard he gave no notice to Smith, but I was going regardless, it's impossible to pass up. From what I heard Smith was visible insulted and almost cried, but I also hear his panel had the most attendees it had in years! The line that waited outside with hopes to get in to see Star Wars who didn't, simply went in to an empty hall to salvage their day. so it should have been smiles all around.
The concert was amazing. There were light saber giveaways that made for a very saber filled night time concert. The entire panel joined JJ on stage before the concert began and the entire thing ended in one of the best firework shows I've seen in a while.
There were only two things that then put a damper on the rest of my night...
1. We now have to get BACK in line to hope to get wristbands for Saturday, so ZERO sleep will be had on a day that already had almost zero sleep. (Luckily the line now extended back to the island where the concert took place so it took little effort to find the end)
2. Poor Peter Mayhew..... I saw him get wheeled by me at the panel but he was never on stage. He was seated with other Handicap attendees in the audience.. And he was designated to the sidelines, alone in his wheelchair, for the concert. It broke my heart to see Chewy so forgotten.
After the concert we hopped back in line and began camping again. They began handing out wristbands at 9:45. While this is accurate, it took 4 more hours for them to reach us near the end of the line. We eventually grabbed our "D" wristbands (phew...dodged a bullet there, thought we'd have no chance) and headed back to the hotel for a quick shower only to go sleep on some more cement...if possible. Our obtaining wristbands seemed to be thanks to the fact that almost EVERYONE that was in Hall H for Friday, and who attended the panel, didnt even try to get wristbands for Saturday. Seeing as it ended very late, the chances were slim to none youd get another wristband at that time. Luckily this was our saving grace. (Yes, I heard some wristbands were still available at 8 am... hindsight is 20/20. We had no way of knowing this and seemed to have gotten some of the last wristbands left.)
Saturday started off just as shitty as Friday. Going on 1 hour of sleep in the past 48 hours, we camped again to get wristbands and got zero sleep. Wristbands were passed out in the wee early morning hours. Since we got D, we figured we'd better just keep camping. We headed back to the hotel, grabbed a quick shower and headed back to the camping line to lay on more cement. Any sleep you'd try and get was only interrupted every hour by staff condensing the line. Its like they dont want you to sleep.
After another sleepless night, and waiting in loooooong lines we finally made it into Hall H and surprisingly got very good seats behind the "Q&A" area. Our seats on Friday seemed good but these were better. A member of our group even took advantage of the 'question line' and some great cosplay to change shirts. Thanks to the guy in the killer 'Man of Steel" costume for making an 'on the spot" changing room and great photo op.
Up first was Warner Brothers. What makes WB stand out at SDCC is their incorporation of additional screens inside Hall H. While any panel whatsoever can use these extra screens, none ever do except for WB (and an occasional Legendary panel). I will say that I wish ALL panels used these screens because they make for a MUCH better experience in Hall H. I'm not sure if its the 'cost'. but how much would it actually be? the screens and projectors are already there, otherwise they're going to waste. SDCC should really consider lowering its costs for these, or even enticing other production companies to incorporate them into their presentations.
The first two panels were "The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and 'Pan", a live action take on Peter Pan. Both were fine but not movies I'd run to the theater to see. While we saw big names like Henry Cavill and Hugh Jackman, these early panels were filler. I doubt anyone came to SDCC for The Man from U.N.C.L.E or Pan panels. We were in the WB panel for two things. Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad!
Suicide Squad was up after Pan. The place went nuts as the extended screens exhibited the faces of the squad in high def. Then the cast was introduced. Im gonna say I was a bit disappointed to start off. First, no Jared Leto?? the entire cast showed up with the exception of Leto. He must have had other obligations but I cant see what. He's currently only filming Suicide Squad. Second was the fact this was a 'teaser panel'. The cast simply came out, waved, Will Smith (who apparently can only act like Will Smith in anything he does) said a few words all Will Smithy like, and they were gone. This led to the first Suicide Squad trailer which was extraordinary!. The lack of an actual panel was forgotten once the trailer started to roll. Unfortunately, it was released to the public shortly after. So if anyone was there simply for Suicide Squad wasted A LOT of time camping. No real panel and a trailer you can see anyway... ouch. I will say the vibe in the hall was reminiscent of 2013 'Guardians of the Galaxy' panel and trailer at SDCC. Great to be at, but I could have seen it online anyway. I did hear that due to crappy pirated copies filmed in inside the hall by fucking idiots, led WB to release a HD trailer. If they were gonna have the world see it they said they want them to see it in full HD and not off some morons cell phone. Was this true? I don't know but it seems a little too convenient.
Next up was WB's big gun..'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This was one panel I was overly excited to see. The entire cast was there including a very very depressed looking Ben Affleck. It was a great panel, especially once Affleck broke out of his funk to tell some great Batman stories. This was capped off by an all new trailer, which in my opinion blew the first official trailer away(with the exception of some horrible acting by Jesse Eisenberg)... but again, it was IMMEDIATELY RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC!!. One thing Hall H security makes sure of is you 'DO NOT FILM OR PHOTOGRAPH THE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT'. I really don't see the point if they let the entire world see it anyway. They watch you like hawks and kick you out if you are caught, but whats the point if it's online anyway? There were some panels that did not release their footage (20th Century Fox) so the 'non filming' rule should simply be enforced for panels that aren't releasing their footage to the general public. Whatever.. its all moot since we're already in the Hall already anyway, however, if I knew everything in every panel would be online immediately following, I would have skipped the 3 days of camping and missing the rest of the con to be here.
After WB, I took a break to go grab some throat drops due to a sore throat I had since Thursday morning so missed parts of two panels... I can't say much about either except they both deal with Zombies and star Matt Smith and there's the most kick ass Stanley Tucci I've seen in one of them. Check them out.
From there it was on to 'The Hateful Eight' . Quentin Tarantino's western themed film. Most of the panel was simply talk about the film process and the use of 70mm lenses (the same exact lenses used to film Ben Hur). One cool (or dumb) aspect will be the films limited release, only in theaters that can accommodate 70mm. It will eventually have a larger, digital release, but its ultimately not how the movie was meant to be presented. This led to a 7 minute clip (not a trailer) of the film. It was more like an introduction pieced together by Tarantino himself to present at comic con, rather than putting together an official trailer. I was hoping it would feel more intimate, but the music was monotone and simply played a repeating bass noise over and over, and the clips seemed disorganized. It did feel rushed but it was still good to see. Some of the cast then joined Tarantino on stage for Q&A.
Up next was Guillermo Del Toro's "Crimson Peak". A gothic horror picture which takes place in the early 19th century. I had no idea what this was but considering it was Del Torro, I was intrigued. From what I've seen, it looks impressive. Pacific Rim impressive?.. no.. Hell Boy impressive.. Hell No. but still looked interesting. Its good to see Del Torro branching out to all sorts of genres
This led into a few movies from Legendary...
'Krampus' was up first, a film about a European tall tale about an evil Santa, that terrorizes a family. It stars Adam Scott, Toni Collett and David Koechner. It looked so stupid that Im not even going to post the panel. Yes, it had some sort of big names, but an evil Santa? It felt like an Xmas themed "Leprechaun" or "Chucky" film but far more terrible... this was followed by Warcraft. I have heard rumbling of Warcraft after seeing some teaser footage last year. This years panel saw the cast, extended screens and an extended trailer. I've never played the game so I'm not really sure what to think about the movie.
One grand takeaway from Legandary was a Legendary branded "Google Cardboard' VR headset. When Google carboard was given away last year at another convention, Ive always wanted to get my hands on it. They immediately went on eBay for hundreds of dollars. The price came down but I had forgotten about it... UNTIL NOW! I finally have my very own thanks to the Legendary panel, and it works great!
Squashed in the middle of all of this were the "Women Who Kick Ass", and "Joss Whedon" panels . I'd genuinely enjoy these panels but they seemed to be the only two not promoting anything. "Women who kick ass". the female counterpart to Fridays "Brave New Warriors" showcased a few current female stars Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones), Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter), Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who), Gal Gadot (Batman v Superman) and Kathy Bates (American Horror Story). wait... KATHY BATES??? uuummm, really?
Whedon was typical Whedon, talking about his writing process, lack of a current job and just mainly taking questions. I was surprised to see his panel in Hall H but he does have a HUGE following at SDCC due to his previous work: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dollhouse, Angel, Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog, Cabin in the Woods and the Avenger movies. The shitstorm that trolled him in the media (mainly Twitter) in regards to feminism didn't even come up. Im sure if you actually know Whedon's work, he's the most feminist writter in sci-fi today. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply just trolling to try and grab 2 minutes of fame. Fuck the internet, thats what I say.
I do have to point out, I saw THE MOST EXCITED person I've ever seen in my life waiting in the Q&A line to talk to Joss Whedon. She had a notebook and kept writing down the best question possible as she paced back and forth next to me. Jumped up and down flailing her arms repeatedly as she realized she was 2nd in line, and after taking to the mic, ran back to her seat, visibly crying , smiling, and doing whatever someone does when thy realize their dream just came true and got to talk to Joss Whedon! This sight alone left me with a smile on my face for the rest of the night. If only I was ever that excited about anything. I cant recall ever being that high off excitement in my life and i was in pure envy of her... plus she was French so..... who doesn't love French accents?
Finally it was on to the last head honcho of the day (that is of course you don't care about the WB television megapanel to close things out).... 20th Century Fox
First for 20th was the Maze Runner, the Scorch Trials. I'll be honest, I don't even remember this panel and I think I'm probably missing another somewhere in this write-up. I think I was falling asleep at this point and maybe dozed off during this one. I rewatched the panel and it seemed pretty decent but I couldnt watch the footage they claimed to bring. Oh well. Its another teen angst "cash-in off a book" film. Think Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent/Insurgent etc.. It stars a bunch of kids I don't know, but if youre a teenager or have teenage kids, they probably know every person in this panel. Its the 'One Direction' of movies.
Then it was on to 'Victor Frankenstein'. A movie I never even knew was made. A retelling of the Frankenstein story told through Victor's eyes. This movie looks almost identical to the Robert Downey Jr. versions of Sherlock Holmes and did look impressive. The movie stars James McAvoy as Victor Frankenstein and Daniel Radcliffe as Igor. It comes out in a few months!! whaaaa? Yeah. Who knew. Its so unknown that I can't even find any imagery for it online. There has been no movie titles or posters created and it comes out soon, so go figure.
Frankenstein was then followed by Fantastic Four. I'm not really looking forward to this after so many artistic liberties were abused simply to release 'something', but whatever. We saw the entire cast and yet another FF trailer.. I guess the last before the films release. I'm not sure this trailer did anything to win me over yet. But 20th Century had to showcase it with its other big properties which were still to come. I will see it and I hope I'm 100% wrong about it..
Now on to the main event!!.
The Deadpool panel started with thunderous applause. A mini movie intro featuring the Ryan Reynolds character, sitting in a chair, silhouetted to hide the identity. Reynolds was doing a "voice over" voice as to sound like the guy who does movie trailers just to simply pump up the SDCC crowd. It was obvious this footage was filmed especially for Hall H. The panel was fantastic, with the whole cast coming to promote the film but what followed was the loudest I had heard Hall H all day as they played the first Deadpool trailer... TWICE! It was the first time the crowd demanded a replay all day. The trailer was amazing and full of Ryan Reynolds-esque performances. If anyone was born to play Deadpool it was this guy. It became immediately apparent that THIS Deadpool movie has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" version of Deadpool, even though Reynolds plays both versions of Deadpool. Reynolds even jokes in the movie about making sure his super suit is "not green... or animated" as a rip on Green Lantern. If you can't beat em, join em' right?. The trailer was not released to the public.. FIRST TIME TODAY!!! FINALLY, but I'm sure you can track down bootleg versions on Youtube thanks to idiots. The movie looks pretty good if you're a Deadpool fan... or a Reynolds fan, but then again so didn't the X-Men origins Wolverine trailer and the Green Lantern trailer. Heres hoping...
Then on to a small Hugh Jackman/ Wolverine casting snip-pit which led the way for X-Men Apocalypse. I have such high hopes for this movie seeing as I LOVED First Class and Days of Future Past. Once the cast and Director Bryan Singer came out, Jackman proceeded to leave until Singer called him back and teased this very awkward "will Wolverine be in apocalypse" back and forth. Singer kept calling him back on stage and would say things like "Hey Hugh.. you know you've been in every X-Men movie so far... right?" and then just leave it at that. It felt like Singer had no idea what he was doing and just winging some teaser, but nothing ever came of it.. Is Wolverine in Apocalypse? probably... do we know for sure? nope. Thanks Singer for making me uncomfortable for a few minutes. The panel was ok. I didn't know most of the new faces coming onboard. One face I did know from 'Attack of the Show' was Olivia Munn. When I first heard she was cast I was a little put off. She left attack of the Show on weird terms. She never actually quit, but went on an extended vacation, only to pursue stardom behind the shows back. The show had no idea if she was coming back. Then she was simply gone. Off to seek fame in a stuck up sorta way. Has she changed? God no. In the panel she came off as a foul mouthed diva. As if she was the star of the entire movie. Even going as far as to try and insult a fan who was leaving their seat as she was talking. God forbid anyone doesnt pay full attention to Olivia Munn as she speaks. She then went on to interrupt her castmate to simply swear about how it felt being on stage. It was petty and I still think she has a shitty personality. As for the rest of the panel, it was decent. There were A LOT of the cast on stage so it was tough to get to them all. The panel ended with the first Apocalypse trailer which was good.... I was expecting better, but it was good..... Typical Singer-esque trailer which ended with the first shot of a bald McAvoy (it's about time). Apocalypse, himself (Oscar Isaac), didn't look that great in costume. It was nothing like the comics and more like a Cirque du Soliel character, but that's Singer for you.
After the panel, Chris Hardwick(who seemed to moderate EVERY panel this year) managed to get the cast of all the upcoming 20th Century properties on stage to pose for a mega selfie which was pretty cool. The cast of X-Men, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) came on stage to pose for a picture which was going to be taken by STAN LEE!! Ive never actually had the chance to see Stan Lee at all the comic cons Ive been to so this was rare. Not only did Stan Lee come on stage, but there was a late addition to the selfie.. Gambit himself, Channing Tatum, made a surprise appearance to round out the next 5 20th Century/ Marvel properties being released in the next few years. (you'd figure Hardwick would have a better camera in his phone... actually you'd figure EVERY phone would have an amazing camera by now.. wtf)
So that was it. HOLY SHIT that's a lot of panels. I didn't stick around for the WB tv megapanel because frankly I needed sleep. I went straight back to my hotel room and slept until 11 am the next day. it was very much needed and I slept like a baby..... which doesn't make much sense because aren't babies always waking up? I didnt.
Sunday I woke up late and just walked the show floor
To sum up this years SDCC I can only say I was disappointed more than I wasn't. I twisted an ankle, dislocated a knee, caught a head cold, had a sore throat for days, was forced to camp in loooong lines for "wristbands" then wait again as usual to get in. Most of the panels released their exclusive footage online anyway which made attending Hall H redundant. I didn't spend much time on the floor as I wish I did and didn't see ANY offsite events due to all the camping I had to do. I did get my hands on some exclusives on Preview night but that was a chore. That consisted of lining up early; running(limping) to find the booth line; crowding up in an unorganized group but holding my ground as they told us to disperse; and eventually getting through an hour or two in. Preview night seems more busy than a regular day so work needs to be done to tone that down. When I did get to see the showfloor on Sunday it was pretty identical to every other year. I do have a great time when I go to Comic Con but I think in the future I may skip Hall H entirely in order to see all the things I miss by going to Hall H. Previous years saw me out of Hall H and bumping into cosplay photo shoots with hundreds of cosplayers crowding the back stairs, great offsite events including the Assassins Creed Obstacle course or Godzilla, bumping into tons of celebrities in my hotel or simply in the convention center, or the Adult Swim park. There are even exclusive parties I 'd like to check out some year. I obviously can't see those if I'm camping in a basketball court, or catching up on an utter lack of sleep from camping in a basketball court.
I think this year was an eye opener. Yes I did get to witness greatness with the Force Awakens Panel and Concert for the fans, but other than that I would have passed on almost everything else (in hindsight). WB and 20th century had some good presentations but is missing soooo much of the con really worth it? I spent days in lines to catch about 2 hours worth of Hall H on Saturday that I really wanted to see. The wristband system really needs to go or be drastically altered. It doesn't work and only makes camping and cutting worse.
I've always said this....(and I'm sure there's logistical reasons why it cant be done but)... "Why not move Hall H panels to Petco Park?" the exclusive footage gets released anyway lately, it fits far more than Hall H so you can come and go as you please for any panel you want. Open the concessions, the food would taste better. No camping, and no lines!!, its perfect...... just make sure to bring some sunscreen.