With the Big 6 MCU Disney + shows in the books and being on the verge of Ms. Marvel, We thought we revisited our top 4 shows.
The MCU changes so much every year and that change was never so evident as Phase 4 and its introduction of the Disney+ array of hit series’. With so many writers and directors on board, The Disney+ series brought us something we haven’t seen yet….diversity. With most of epic Phase 2 and 3 films directed by the Russo Brothers, The Disney Plus series brought in a wide range of directors and writers to alter the dynamic we’ve been used to. This led to all new directions and story lines we couldnt have gotten as MCU films limited to <2 hours. Here we revist our top 4 series
3. Hawkeye
No movie or show has put more emphasis on passing the mantle than Hawkeye. For many, seeing Renner finally get recognition after over a decade was a sense of satisfaction.
At the end of the day, Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop was the standout of this show becoming Hawyeyes eventual replacement due to his disabilities. “Steinfeld reached a point where there were some saying she has the potential to be the next Robert Downey Jr. of the MCU.”. We dont feel this was even close to the case, but her chemistry with Rener was energetic and delightful
Set during Xmas in New York City, this series has a vibe that few other MCU projects have. It ranks up there with Die Hard on a scale of relate-ability simply for its backdrop.
4. Moon Knight
The first “origin” story told on Disney+ features Oscar Isaac playing multiple characters via a split personality. It is universally agreed that Isaac's performance playing both Steven Grant and Marc Spector is the highlight here. They needed the acting chops to pull it off and Isaac fit the bill perfectly. His ability to fully engulf himself in the specific character required is breathtaking and a blessing to watch.
While some jumped on board the “cancel” troll train to bash the series of its portrayal of mental health disorders and dis-associative diseases. We feel Marvel did the genre justice and did not insult of offend on any level. The source material has remained somewhat in tact being tweak only slightly for our politically correctness atmosphere.
2. WandaVision
The first project on Disney+ was an instant hit. Week after week, fans were mesmerized with the long-form storytelling the MCU was using to build on Wanda and Visions story. WandaVision was a artistic escapade wrapped in a mystery, the likes of which no comic book movie fan had seen until now. With its TV Sitcom progession throughout the years, Its delighted most audiences as it was highly relatable to any age group.
Its mysteries only added to its amazing writing and filming styles. This wouldnt have worked as a movie, the MCU knew it and the fans knew it.
1. Loki
Arguably one of the greatest villains in the history of comic book movies, Loki shot to the top of everyone's list the moment it was announced to be coming. For us to get more Loki after his death was a dream every MCU fan they didnt have yet untl we got it. This is the type of character you cant just kill off. The Russo’s knew this and used Endgame to set up the perfect avenue for a perfect villain to return in a perfect show. Toss on top of this the multiverse that has engulfed the MCU and this project was a 10 out of 10.
Its the one show we have watched over and over. The introduction of multiple versions of this popular character across all its incarnations was written perfectly. This show will be our top MCU show as wel as top overall for a long time