Following the Success of Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard , We finally get our first look at Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
SNW is a spin-off of Discovery and a prequel to the original series. Anson Mount reprises his Discovery role as Christopher Pike, the captain of the USS Enterprise who immediately preceding James T. Kirk. Ethan Peck returns as a younger Mr. Spock, as does Rebecca Romijn as Pike’s First Officer, Una Chin-Riley, (Number One). There is also a younf, inexperienced rookie communications and linguistics expert, Nyota Uhura, played by Celia Rose Gooding. and doctor Christine Chapel (Jess Bush) A few crew members are all new characters, including Chief Engineer Hemmer (Bruce Horak) and the helms officer Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia).
The pilot episode begins with Pike catching a glimpse of this fate (which we we know from the classic episode “The Menagerie”). This sets the tone for a fractured Captain, hesitant to get back into the chair, knowing full well what awaits him but not knowing when.
The first episode of Strange New Worlds stays true to the original series with emphasis on exploration, discovery, diplomacy, and action. It feels familiar but fresh and new, all at the same time.
With Discovery and Picard both having intertwined plot lines leading to a conclusive season finale, SNW ditches this formula for the classic, with episodes standing on their own. We’ve seen this before with Enterprise from the early 2000s. I for one feel this classic style is refreshing and welcome as most tv and streaming is designed on a larger storyline. The MCU for example are basically 6-10 hour movies spread out over 6-10 episodes. SNW goes back to its routes. While there is still continuing plots, they are not the oerall story here. Each episode stands on alone. One notable mention is that this series also has a “campy” feel to it even though its modern. It feels as if its trying to stay true to the 60s feel while also being updated for 2022. I for one think it works.
Sometimes, Strange New Worlds feels like what JJ Abrams and company did with the 2009 Star Trek movie: using nostalgia, and our favorite characters to bring a modern touch to franchise already well know. Pike is not Kirk, but, the two share the same attitude towards breaking protocol and meddling in alien civilizations when needed for the greater good. One also cannot help to notice that Mount’s “Pike” shares a striking resemblance to Kirk as well as shares some mannerisms. Is this by design? I think it is. There are plans for a young Kirk to make his appearance. We are familiar with the impact Pike has on Kirk as Pike took him under his wing, so its fair to assume were being told that Kirk became the captain he did based on Pike. If the series lasts long enough, there will most certainly be early glimpses of Scotty, McCoy, Sulu, and Chekhov. Paramount is hoping this plan is what the fans want and are ready for and I for one hope theyre right.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds drops new episodes on Paramount+ weekly.