If you're alive and live in the free world, you've heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Started to raise awareness of ALS and to raise money, nominated participants dump buckets of ice water over their heads, donate money to ALS research, and challenge others to do the same. This week we saw the cast of Episode VII take part..
Chewbaca himself gets drench all in the name of ALS research
Luke Skywalker gets sensitive to the current drought in California... then doesn't. Let's hope that's just pool water
Han Solo looks fully recovered from his broken leg incident a little while back.. and sounds a little hoarse. I refuse to accept this man can age...Now if only we can raise awareness for horizontal videos. Prevention of perpendicular videos is as easy as turning your wrist.
1. R2-D2
The best Star Wars ALS ice bucket challenge yet. I only wish 3PO did the dumping.
If you're interested in donating, please visit www.alsa.org for all the details. It's for a good cause and gives hope to those suffering from this horrible condition. Every cent matters.