Yes, THE4LIST has gotten pretty Star Warsy lately, but seeing as the Summer movie season seems to have come to an end, it's not such a bad thing. I'm pretty sure nobody wants to read a review of "The Prince".
We have over 15 months until Episode VII finally hits theaters, so that means 15 months of anything to fill the void. This post will curb your "fan-made movie poster" appetite.
Here's the top 4 fan-made Star Wars Episode VII posters to pop up on the web recently
4. Return to Hoth
Hoth seems to be the hands down fan favorite for places to return to in Episode VII. It was the locale in the opening segment in 'The Empire Strikes Back' which is easily the best Star Wars film made to date. Any reason to go back...... any reason whatsoever.. is fine in my book. Will we still have AT-ATs? I doubt it, it's been 30 years since the battle of Hoth, but there could always be wreckage homes for Tauntauns.
3. Vader-y goodness
Rumor has it Darth Vader will be making some flashback appearances in Episode VII... why wouldn't he? Here's one of the best uses of his helmet yet. Fan's are damn good with photoshop
Why do we all love to see Star Destroyers be destroyed? Maybe it's the sheer size being ripped apart that is entertaining, or the fact that it's a sign of victory. I loved seeing the Super Star Destroyer smash into the Death Star's surface in 'Return of the Jedi' and been wanting to see more destruction ever since. Rumor has it Han Solo will be piloting one in Episode VII. Maybe we'll see his go down in flames....not good
1. Millennium Falcon
The greatest space craft in all the galaxy, it made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, a route that is usually 18 PARSECS!!
Fun fact- Did you know a parsec isn't a measure of time but a measure of distance? The Kessel Run is normally an 18 Parsec long smuggling route, However, Han Solo made the journey while travelling close to black holes, thus bending space and shortening the route to 11.5 Parsecs. YAY trivia!!!