This hasn’t exactly been a great summer movie season. Frankly it’s been rather disappointing. Sure, there’s been some movies I really enjoyed (X-Men, Edge of Tomorrow), but most of the big blockbusters have been lacking punch. Overall, it seems like studios took this summer off, not releasing blockbusters at the usual breakneck pace, but there are still yet a few movies of interest on the way.
While most of the really enjoyable movies I’ve seen this summer were surprisingly independent films like “Chef” and “Begin Again”. I’m still a sucker for a blockbuster so I’m excited to see these films.
Note: This article assumes “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” is already out. Also check out my reviews after these movies come out at
July 25, 2014
A Scarlett Johansson movie where she looks hot and kicks ass. How much is the ticket? Seriously, Johansson has raised her stock with me after taking the Black Widow character to a whole new level in Captain America 2 and the Avengers.
When that character first showed up, I didn’t really think “wow, I can’t believe they brought the Black Widow into the Marvel Universe”, but Johansson has grabbed the role and made it relevant. Sure, some people out there are going to say “Of course you feel that way, she’s gorgeous”, but while I agree with you, the key is that she’s also a good actress. She’s always been a good actress that also happens to be beautiful (Lost in Translation, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Match Point, etc.). Obviously, that’s the key to a lot of these successful science fiction movies starring strong heroine leads. The studios just haven’t been casting the hottest woman they can find, they’ve been casting actresses that can actually act.
So now here comes Johansson’s latest and I’m excited about it. Sure, the premise is very similar to “Limitless”, but this movie mixes in some action and Scarlett Johansson so sign me up.
Guardians of the Galaxy
August 1, 2014
I’m a Marvel fan boy for sure so the fact that I’m excited isn’t surprising. However, when this movie was announced, I wasn’t exactly dancing in the streets. “Guardians of the Galaxy”, really? That’s the next big Marvel movie. I don’t really even know anything about them, sure I bought a couple of Guardian books in my day, but I never actually read them.
It all changed when I saw the first kick ass trailer at Comic Con. What a home run the trailer was, action packed and funny, it had me excited to see this movie and thinking once again, Marvel knows what they are doing or at least they certainly know how to make a trailer. Has Marvel failed me, sure… I’m looking at you Iron Man 3, but overall they have really made entertaining movies or at least fooled me into thinking they will be good… I’m looking at you Iron Man 3.
Plus after “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Thor: Dark World”, I’m extra excited about the next Marvel movie. In my opinion, those two movies were better than the original, so that has completely renewed my faith after their last miss… I’m looking at you Iron Man 3.
The Giver
August 15, 2014
I have no idea what this movie is about. I know it’s a science fiction movie, based off a classic novel or at least I’m told it’s based off a classic novel. My wife insists I should have read it in school, but I don’t remember that being on the reading list. That's probably because my wife is younger than me so I have a feeling I'm setting myself up for her to make an old joke.
After seeing the trailer the other day, I’m completely intrigued. The movie looks like an interesting science fiction movie in the vein of “Hunger Games” or “Divergent” or dare I say “Minority Report” (Going a little further back in the archives). Certainly seems like a good time to make that type of movie considering how well “Hunger Games” and “Divergent” did at the box office.
Plus, the movie has Merryl Streep in it, how bad can it be!
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
August 22, 2014
This better be good! I want to leave it at that, but I’ll go on. I’m a fan of “Sin City”. When the movie came out it was totally different. It was like no movie I’d ever seen and I really enjoyed it.
When there was talk about making a sequel, I was intrigued, but then the years passed and nothing came along. Eventually, I had resigned myself to the fact that “Sin City” would be a stand alone classic much like “300” (Whoops).
Finally they decide to make a sequel years after anyone had longed for them to make one. The movie better not disappoint. I mean they waited so long that Mickey Rourke's comeback has come and gone and now he’s looking for another comeback. Hopefully for his sake the movie is good. The director, Robert Rodriguez looks like he's taken his time to produce a worthy sequel. He's certainly loaded the film with quality actors. Perhaps I won't be disappointed afterall!