After finally being let in, we headed to Hasbro. They had a line set up against the wall. We asked "we have tickets for "after 12pm" do we get in line now?" and were told "Um..................................................................ok, yeah" . Game On.
After an hour or so we were sent to the Hasbro booth for some exclusives. Upon reaching it we are stopped by Hasbro personnel saying "YOU CANT BE HERE, YOUR TICKET SAYS 'AFTER 12 PM' GET THE HELL OUT'. After some negotiating (basically arguing that the first women said it was ok) we were let in and got some much sought after crap we were shut out of getting on Preview night. Ill be perfectly honest, this entire day so far has been a great ride!
From there it was back to the room to drop off our bounty, take a much needed shower, change our smelly clothes and head to Fulfillment. Fulfillment is where you pick up all your shwag from Panels if they handed out tickets. The fulfillment room was moved to the Manchester Grand Hyatt this year, a good hike from the convention center. Upon entering we were directed to the fourth floor, We find the fulfillment station and its very very entertaining and interesting line. They hand placed serpentine lines on the floor on one side. Even though there weren't many people there, we were forced to take part in this 'Bank line'. Around and around we went, never stopping, just snaking our way to the goodies. Slow down and you're immediately told to "KEEP MOVING". It was wild seeing a good 75% of this line all with their phones and video cameras held up high documenting this maze. We finally got the the front and from there figured out the color coded arithmetic. Each fulfillment ticket was simply a raffle type ticket you'd get anywhere. Small tiny and they were all identical except for their color. I originally thought I'd be screwed, not remembering which ticket was for what panel, but above each station was a blown up image of the raffle ticket. It made it sooooo easy. Last year saw pieces of paper with the Panel written on it. I will admit, at first I was hesitant of this new system but it worked beautifully! While most of the goodies were nothing to write home about, there are some standouts. Game of Thrones always giving a huge bag fully of GOT shwag including one of the GOT books and a T-shirt along with a ton of other promotional items. We're not complaining.
The rest of the day was spent walking the floor, grabbing lunch and drinks, hitting the 'Geek and Sundry' panel (which was terrific), grabbing drinks, waiting in line for Masquerade tickets, grabbing drinks, waiting in line to get into the Masquerade, and eventually falling asleep in the Masquerade. I thought my Saturday at SDCC would be ruined without Hall H but honestly It was a pretty enjoyable endeavor. If you can't get into Hall H, DO NOT PANIC. There's so much to do, you can really have some great experiences without having to pay for it.