Artist Spotlight: Ken Lashley

I got a chance to sit down with comic artist Ken Lashley when he was at Comicaze recently. Ken has worked on comic books and toy genres as a cover artist and also contributed art for Hasbro.

Ken resume is vast and includes titles such as Morales Spider-Man, Black Panther, X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Flash, JLA, Superman, Spider-Man, and others. He is a cover artist god in the industry.

Ken has also worked for Hasbro, Mattel, and Lucasfilm.

T4L: Tell us about the first comic you ever read?

Ken Lashley: It was Spider-Man I think. Gil Kane was the artist on the cover if I remember, I think, but I remember what really struck me was the story. It was a football player trying to save his daughter. It was a really cool story and I was into football then so the story stuck in my head. I loved the cover art though. I remember Spider-man swinging through a football field. Getting to combine comics and football stuck with me.

T4L: What made you want to be an artist?

Ken Lashley: I dont think at that time I was thinking “This is what I want to do” when I started reading comics. I just loved comics and loved the art. I love all this kind of stuff. After a while I sort of pivoted into comics. I used to draw and loved comics so eventually just kinda moved there and realized I love it.

T4L: What is a favorite comic you worked on in your career?

Ken Lashley: I was a big fan of Uncanny Xmen when I was younger so when I got to work on that I was super excited. I remember feeling like “No way, how is this real?”, that was a big one for me.

cover by Ken Lashley

T4L: Do you think your art has had impacts on comics?

Ken Lashley: Haha, I don’t know. I draw what I think is cool based on what source I’m given. If they like it, they like it. Where it goes from there is out of my control. I like to think its a a piece of that character from then on, because it is, you know?. That art is there forever. So that’s really cool.

T4L: Are there any comics you want to draw but havent?

Ken Lashley: There’s a ton. There are lots of things that you get offered an opportunity to draw and you don’t end up doing it. I doesnt upset me though. I just feel like someday I’ll do it or whatever but I don’t feel bad about it because I’ve had a pretty good career. I’ve done some really cool stuff. I never feel like that got away. But theres so many things Id love to draw. When I got to draw Spiderverse, It was something I just really liked and thought would be great so I just sad that on social media and that led to me drawing for Spiderverse. So Im always looking at that and thinking “anything is possible”.

cover by Ken Lashley

T4L: What has been your favorite comic to work on so far?

Ken Lashley: I really like the X-Men stuff I worked on. Drawing X-Men was really wicked. Spiderverse was cool and also Superman. I was always Marvel so getting to draw Superman was different. And Moon Knight is so huge now, that’s really cool people are noticing it who never did.

T4L: What do get most from these small comic book signings?

Ken Lashley: I meet a lot of cool people. I’ve met some amazing people over the years. Just putting a face to a lot of the people who contact you or follow you and then you meet them. You get to meet fans and hear their stories and hear “thank you” and stuff. It really makes you proud of your work because someone out there loves it and push you to do more and more and more.

T4L: Do you like my Ghostbusters shirt?

Ken Lashley: Yeah, I guess. (laughs) That’s cool.

Follow Ken (aka @ledkilla) on Social Media

AEW at Comicaze!

AEW stars Danhausen, Ethan Page & Smart Mark stopped by Comicaze here in Davis Square on April 3rd to do a bit of Toy Hunting.

It was a great treat to welcome them to town and have them hit up our local comic store.

If you are into comics, collectibles, toys AND the AEW this was a day of days.


The Love N Thunder trailer is finally here!!. check it out below. This means Thor will be the first Marvel solo hero to get 4 flicks. We found this perfect for the 4list and cant wait to review Love and Thunder for the 4th Thor review.

Let us know in the comments which of the 4 Thors will be/is your favorite