Artist Spotlight- Mike Maydak

Kentucky artist Mike Maydak brings a cool and interesting style to his work that blends art with comic books and pop culture. The characters featured in his artwork cross a vast expanse of pop culture; movies, television, and comic book properties that includes Star Wars, Dr. Who, DC, MCU, He-man, MadMax, and more.

I got to talk to Mike super quick to get a look into his work.

T4L: What/Who are your art influences?

Maydak: Heavy Metal Magazine, Van Gogh, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba, Cassegrain, Winsor McCay.

T4L: Wow, Ive never really heard of a lot of those.

Maydak: Yeah a lot of them are obscure

T4L: Which comics and publishers have you worked with?

Maydak: It’s been awhile, a long time ago and they weren't very good. So I kinda don't want to drudge it up. I'm sure it’s really easy to search if you wanted to.

T4L: What got you interested in paintings and canvas art?

Maydak: Making paintings is way easier than comics. Creating comics is an multi faceted craft that requires an sense for design if you want to do it right. Painting, not so much. Painting is not easy, but a lot of what makes painting interesting is accepting little happy accidents that happen, least for me. Painting has really taught me that the less there is, its more likely the viewer will create their own narrative, making it more appealing to them personally.

T4L: You went from architecture to pop culture, what made you decide to go that switch?

Maydak: I do a lot of cons. Nearly every artist on the scene was doing fan art. It didn't even have to be good and it would sell. I was doing pretty well on my own with my original stuff, but to remain competitive, I took a stab at the comic culture, with my own twist. Worked out well.

T4L: How do you decide which characters you end up using? How much of the decision is fan or nerd based?

Maydak: There really has to be nostalgia for me. At 40, I dont give a shit about Dragon Ball Z, or Power Rangers, or whatever is hot for the next three months. I need the connection. So if you’re talking Star Wars, Thundercats, He-Man, it has my attention.

T4L: How many cons have you done?

Maydak: Too many. Yeah, I think it’s the best way to build your fan base. I feel that the internet can be good, but just not solid. Can be very fleeting and disposable as far as exposure. People will remember you way more if you meet them in person.

T4L: Can you talk more about your pros and cons of cons?

Maydak: I guess the worst part about cons is the constant disruption when creating something new. In fact, it’s real easy to get in a routine of traveling and doing the shows. That transition back to the creating part is rough. You have to go from this sell, meet, sell mode to solace and quite painting mode which are two opposites for me.

T4L: Who are some of your favorite characters to paint?

Maydak: Conan the barbarian. He was my first. I was like, "Conan, he’s awesome. I want to be more like Conan. But I am not Conan. Look at me, I don’t look anything like him." I started doing pushups.

You can visit his website and Etsy to check out more of his work or purchase original paintings and prints.