Kevin Smith got a personal invite by J.J Abrams to visit the London set of Episode VII recently and had some things to say about it....
Smith spoke during an appearance at the Neuchatel International Film Festival in Switzerland and gushed about what he saw.
"So we go to the set, and they're actually shooting – and this is what I can't tell you what they were shooting – but what I saw I absolutely loved," said Smith "It was tactile; it wasn't a series of fucking green and blue screens in which later on digital characters would be added. It was there; it was happening."
Of course Smith had to sign a non disclosure agreement so we won't get any specifics.
"I saw uniforms; I saw artillery that I haven't seen since I was a kid," he continued. "I saw them shooting an actual sequence in a set that is real – I walked across the set; there were explosions – and it looked like a shot right out of a fucking Star Wars movie,"
Smith continued- Abrams is "building a tacticle world, a world you can touch. And he's replicating it with all the love of somebody that has the world's greatest collection of Star Wars figures."
"It's like Field of Dreams," he said. "And if J.J. builds it, we’re all going to come hard because it's amazing. It looks fantastic. So anyone out there wondering if he's going to pull it off: He's pulling it off. He showed me cut scenes; he showed me sequences, images, pictures. I cried, and I hugged that guy. And I’m sure as I was crying and hugging on him that he was thinking 'time is money' because they're making a movie. But he got it. He was very flattered. And I was like, 'Honestly dude, you’re doing it. You’re making my childhood again. You’re doing our Star Wars.' What I saw blew me away."
JEALOUS MUCH??.. You should be..... of course Smith has had to sign a lot of non-disclosure agreements lately though, so you got that going for you. Frees up your writing hand.