I might be too much of a generalization to say that the MCU is aimed at children, but it’s created in a way that isn’t meant to exclude them. Even with the MCUs political weather and frequent nods toward the military, at the end of it all, , the franchise is designed to remain family-friendly, with mostly “zero-blood” violence and nothing too intense. For the most part, that’s great. The MCU could probably be better without its fascination of comic book heroes as military agents, (this is what grounds the franchise afterall) every move away from that (Shang-Chi) is much appreciated.
Episode 5, “Asylum” is among the strangest, most intimate stories the MCU has ever produced. It’s an episode about a man’s fractured mind shattering as he revisits the most traumatic moments of his life. It’s horrific but delivered with a light touch. The horror is frequently intertwind with moments of humor which is what saves a series like Moon Knight. They give us a deep, dark, psychological horror story, but tied up in a cinematic, humorful, exciting bow
An episode bonkers as “Asylum” is the icing on the cake the series deserved. Picking up where episode 4, “The Tomb”, left off, “Asylum” shows Marc Spector and Steven Grant (both portrayed by Oscar Isaac) seemingly trapped in a psych ward, run by Hawks, “Dr. Harrow”, who is trying to convince “Marc” that the events of Moon Knight are a fiction devised by Marc’s brain as a coping mechanism. Taweret (voiced by Anotonia Salib), a fertility goddess resembling a hippo, offers Marc and Steven another probability: They’re dead, and currently being judged in afterlife known as the Duat.
This episode is the heart of the series, encompassing 6 total journeys into Marc/Stephens fractured mind.
Episodes 5 and 6 are easily the best of the series. Overall Moon Knight is the best of the MCU Disney+ series entries. Psychologically is the most complex which is best suited for adults, but doesn’t neglect humor and action that all fans will enjoy even if they are unaware of the deeply hidden mysteries this series holds