What's 'Doctor Who' without villains? Basically just and episode of 'Sherlock Holmes' but starring Doc Brown, not really solving anything. That's why were gonna delve right into our top 4 Doctor Who jerks.
uuuuuummmmmmm.. HE'S FRIGGEN SATAN. What's scarier than SATAN. First appearing in Series 2's 'The Impossible Planet' and continuing in 'The Satan Pit', "The Beast" terrified Doctor Who, Rose Tyler and fans across the damn globe. I don't know about you, but I grew up Catholic....so one of the greatest tools my parents (and church) used to scare the crap out of me into 'not' doing bad stuff or turning out to be an asshole, WAS SATAN!!! Call him what you want; Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness, the Antichrist.. He's scary as shit. Maybe it was the accidental viewing of 'The Exorcist' when I was 7, I don't know, but Satan and demons scare the living crap out of me. If this was a 'Most Terrifying Villains' list, he'd be on top. Good job making me piss my bed. For that you make a damn good Villain.
The Weeping Angels are down right creepy. Just ask the Ponds.( It could just be my 'Post Pond Depression' talking) For any "Doctor Who" newbie reading this- the Weeping Angels are a species that used 'quantum locking' to hunt their prey. "What the crap is 'quantum locking"? Ever play "red light, green light"? Same deal, but no scabby kid knees... why did I always have scabby knees and elbows as a kid? I fell a lot I guess..weird, right? I did hit a lot of sick jumps on my BMX though. You made them out of cinder blocks and flimsy planks that you'd find in the woods next to empty Schlitz beer cans from 1981 and an old waterlogged copy of 'Playboy' where the pages all glob together and you really can't make out any pictures, but you KNOW it's an old Playboy. Did you have pegs? I had pegs....front AND back......... wait, what was I talking about?.. Oh yeah..... so "red light, green light'. A Weeping Angel could only move when they weren't being viewed. Once viewed they would petrify into statue form. This also related to angels viewing other angels, so the Weeping Angel would often cover it's face with it's hands, thus appearing as if it was weeping... now that THAT'S out of the way. Weeping Angels are freaky, Weeping Angels are creepy, Weeping Angels are one of the Doctor's most menacing adversaries. NUMBER 3!
Created by the Davros, The Daleks are easily one of the Doctors most ferocious enemies, and obviously a fan favorite... Being so popular I don't even think anything I write about them will do them justice. What could I even say without upsetting someone? THAT'S how hugely popular the Daleks are. Seriously...I'll just get yelled at in the comments.... I don't want to get yelled at in the comments. Im gonna go text myself so I can hear my Dalek ringtone now......don't yell at me in the comments.
We gotta give #1 to The Master. The Ying to the Doctor's yang. The frick to his frack. The peanut butter to his Fluff (no, not jelly, jelly is gross). The Joker to his Batman! The Master is a Time Lord, just like the Doctor, but he's just a downright asshole. Assholes always make the best villains.
Originally a childhood classmate of The Doctor, both hail from Gallifrey and both are Time Lords. It's said the Master went mad after looking into the 'Untempered Schism' (or 'time vortex') during a Time Lord initiation. This apparently can make you a dick....er, go mad. While the Doctor himself is slightly mad, he still has the need to save mankind and the Universe(you know, cuz he's not a dick), while the Master wants only to conquer it (you know, cuz he is a dick). He's the epitome of an Archnemesis.
Portrayed by 6 separate actors, opposed to The Doctor's (soon to be)12. The Master has taken many forms, including Julia Robert's brother! But my personal favorite flavor was The Master "extra crispy".
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